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Vincent Amorason ([info]quitethecharmer) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-05 22:13:00

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Entry tags:asleif, inactive - shanna eight, vincent vernard

Vincent smiled and waved to the cab as it departed, some old acquaintances of his already calling it a night. After his talk with Kristoff, and some more work on his project, he'd decided to treat himself to a night out. He hadn't really hit the club circuit in a while, and it felt good to get out and feel the pulse of the city again.

Adjusting his scarf, (he didn't really need it, but it completed his look), he strode down the street, waiting for another drink special, smell of food, or song to catch his attention and lure him inside.

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-07 01:13 am UTC (link)
Shanna had been surprised by the invite. But given how poor her social life was right now she decided she would go. Trying to make ends meet on Earth was harder than she thought it would be.

But tonight she wasn't going to dwell on that. She put on her netter clothing and made her way to the karaoke place and greeted Vincent and his friend with a cheery smile.

"Hi! Thanks for inviting me... And who might your friend be?" She smiles in an open bubbly manner in Aslief's direction.

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-07 02:01 am UTC (link)
"I am Asleif," she said. "It is a pleasure to meet a friend of Vincent's."

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-07 06:58 pm UTC (link)
Vincent gives Shanna a hug in greeting, smiling at both of them. "Asleif, this is my friend, Shanna. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume this will be her first bout with karaoke as well."

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-08 04:14 am UTC (link)
"No. Actually we have something like this o my home world," she says with a smile. "You drink a lot and sing popular songs together, yes? It seems much the same."

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-08 06:12 pm UTC (link)
This tickled Asleif's amusement. "It would seem to be the same wherever you go. Though I suspect the words are cruder where I come from."

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-08 06:27 pm UTC (link)
"I vaguely remember something about fleeing Hildy's home with Moira and Danielle when Volstagg got into some very old mead and started on hunting songs." Vincent shrugs as he sits back down and finally chooses a song.

He takes care to show the girls how the remote works with this setup as he selects "This Afternoon" by Nickelback.

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-14 12:26 am UTC (link)
"Your childhoods must have been more... adventurous than my own," Shanna comments. "On my world we are taught early on. There is little time for play. We have too much to do. I have heard the lands you come from have seasons, Aslief. Is that true?"

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-14 03:04 am UTC (link)
"Ever has the Golden Realm been one of adventure," Asleif agreed.

"And aye, there be seasons in Asgard."

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-14 03:13 am UTC (link)
Vincent smiles at the two at least being able to make small-talk as he takes on the first couple verses.

"Oh, looking like another Bob Marley day
Hitting from the bong like a diesel train
And now we're hanging out this afternoon

We got weeds in the backyard, four feet tall
Cheech and Chong probably would have smoked them all
So, I'm on the couch this afternoon

He pushes the spare microphones towards them in case they want to take this song on.

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-22 02:19 am UTC (link)
Shanna shakes her head. She doesn't know this song so she'll sit this one out.

"We... don't have the kinds that Earth does. Not at the same lengths anyways," Shanna offers with a silm shrug.

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-22 02:29 am UTC (link)
Asleif shook her head as well. She was not familiar enough with the material.

"I think... I shall pass on this one."

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-22 03:03 am UTC (link)
Vincent shrugs and finishes out the song happily, then helping them look through the books as the snacks arrive. He helps himself to some edamame and pocky.

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-22 04:11 am UTC (link)
Shanna is careful to go for things she knows won't cause a reaction. Then looks over a song list and starts giggling when she finds this one song.

"I'll try this one at some point," she decides out loud not bothering with the name.

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-22 11:33 pm UTC (link)
Asleif peered over her shoulder to see what choice she had made. "Interesting."

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Re: At the Karaoke Parlor
2010-11-23 11:23 pm UTC (link)
Vincent grins and opens a can of soda for himself, urging Shanna on. "Go ahead, give it your best shot."

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