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nextgen_holiday ([info]nextgen_holiday) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-11 16:27:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, holiday, inactive - kassia frost, jordan bochs, mason jeffries, melanie hall, nimue smallwood

Giving Thanks
In Canada today is a day for being thankful for the things in people's lives. Today was a day to celebrate family, friends, prosperity and health with food, family and friends. It is a time to reflect on what is important us and to recognize the gratitude we hold for having those things in our lives.

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2010-10-11 06:56 pm UTC (link)
Any offers of help will be appreciate, and Mel will be busy in the kitchen even more than usual.

The pumpkin pie is going to be awesome.

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2010-10-11 07:49 pm UTC (link)
Alex wasn't going to let Mel do it all alone. He provided an extra pair of hands for Mel for as long as he could, which was now around three hours. While he really couldn't cook, he could peel, slice, chop and anything else that needed to be done.

"It all smells and looks great," he said. "I can't wait to eat."

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2010-10-12 04:07 am UTC (link)
Jordan is taking it easy and watching hockey. His contribution to the efforts, and making sure people have extra to be thankful for, comes in the form of a card to each team member, placed quietly in each of their rooms, giving them $50 in music downloads.

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2010-10-12 02:52 pm UTC (link)
Mason is getting the table set, following instructions based on the preliminary menu Mel had been willing to divulge spoilers of. He'd already sent his best back to his parents, letting them know the current Alpha Flight roster was going to have their own Thanksgiving dinner this year.

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2010-10-12 09:49 pm UTC (link)
In-between all the crazy, Marrina was happy to be home, and was helping as she could in the kitchen.

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2010-10-13 05:14 am UTC (link)
When the food was ready, Alex helped carry the dishes to the table. He pulled out a chair for Mel and then pushed it in when she was ready to sit.

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2010-10-13 05:41 pm UTC (link)
Mel smiled at Alex's gentlemanly routine.

And with all the help she's had, they have the works. Turkey, all the fixings, rice, bread, vegetables -- with cheese sauce. Three kinds of pie, chocolate chip cookies, and some magenbrot.

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2010-10-22 05:09 am UTC (link)

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