As the walls are closing in and the colours fade to black
Caitlyn Drake woke to darkness all around her. At first she thought she was in her room at Xavier's, but the hard cement floor told her otherwise. Clearly she wasn't there or at home in Nova Roma. What happened to her? The last thing she remembered was going to the audition for the new teen drama show and then...nothing.
Where was she and how long had she been here? They were questions she couldn't answer at the moment, but ones she would get answers to.
She closed her eyes and sought out any water source nearby. None. Not even in the air. Either the air was desert conditions dry or her powers weren't working. She couldn't sense a drop. The reason why she couldn't became apparent when her hand went to her throat and brushed across cool metal. An inhibitor collar. She was screwed and definitely not in the good way.
She sighed and tried to stand up. A groan escaped her. Her muscles were stiff and sore from lying on the hard cement floor. Her hands went out in front of her as she searched in the darkness for a wall, sliding her body across the floor. When she found one she leaned against it for support as she climbed to her feet.
Now what?
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