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nextgen_media ([info]nextgen_media) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-05 23:17:00

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Entry tags:akilah munroe, andrew summers, angelo bennet, awesome andrea, crosshairs, franklin richards, giovanna bennet, inactive - julian gallo, inactive - lisa graves, inactive - matt walker, inactive - melissa frost, inactive - valeria richards, kristoff vernard, nicolai sablinova, plot-"a game of thrones", vincent vernard

News Broadcast: Attacks on Atlantis and Wakanda
Staggered and vague reports are coming that Dr. Doom has now followed his unprovoked aggression against neighboring Symkaria with attacks against Atlantis and Wakanda. As both of these nations are insular and isolated, these reports have been difficult to confirm, and no public announcements have been made by any of the governments involved.  There are even rumors that the respective kings of Atlantis and Wakanda are missing in action.

Even though all the reported victims so far have been isolated or marginalized nations, the U.N. and various governments around the world are reported to be in an uproar trying to decide what action to take.

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2010-10-09 02:47 am UTC (link)
"This is me spending time with my significant other. Please don't ask me to say girlfriend because I believe the term 'girlfriend' is crude and ambiguous, as is the term 'boyfriend'. You can have as many girlfriends and boyfriends as you like, but only one person can be truly significant to you.

Only one person truly holds my attention and affection. That person is you, Lisa Graves. And it's true, even when I'm not actively showing it." he tells her.

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2010-10-09 03:08 am UTC (link)
Lisa lets those words sink in, mulling them over. He was certainly cute enough, good in bed, and gave her just about everything he wanted. She hadn't been interested in letting anyone get close for quite a while though.

She knew better than to wonder what was the worst that could happen though.

She leaned over, hair spilling over her shoulders and draping around his head, kissing his forehead softly. "Let's give that a whirl then, boss. See where it goes."

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2010-10-09 04:18 am UTC (link)
The kisses upon his forehead cause his eyes to close as he relaxes completely in her arms. A small voice inside him says that this is a terrible idea, one he'll live to regret.

"We'll see where it goes then." he whispers and kisses her soundly.

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