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nextgen_media ([info]nextgen_media) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-05 23:17:00

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Entry tags:akilah munroe, andrew summers, angelo bennet, awesome andrea, crosshairs, franklin richards, giovanna bennet, inactive - julian gallo, inactive - lisa graves, inactive - matt walker, inactive - melissa frost, inactive - valeria richards, kristoff vernard, nicolai sablinova, plot-"a game of thrones", vincent vernard

News Broadcast: Attacks on Atlantis and Wakanda
Staggered and vague reports are coming that Dr. Doom has now followed his unprovoked aggression against neighboring Symkaria with attacks against Atlantis and Wakanda. As both of these nations are insular and isolated, these reports have been difficult to confirm, and no public announcements have been made by any of the governments involved.  There are even rumors that the respective kings of Atlantis and Wakanda are missing in action.

Even though all the reported victims so far have been isolated or marginalized nations, the U.N. and various governments around the world are reported to be in an uproar trying to decide what action to take.

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2010-10-06 03:57 am UTC (link)
Kristoff Vernard watches the television in silence for a while.

Then it's nearly ripped out of his throat. "What do you want, Master?"

He goes to the communication systems. SHIELD first.

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2010-10-06 04:25 am UTC (link)
Communications coming into SHIELD from other teams and persons-of-interest were channeled through the head office first. Valentina was usually the one to speak to the caller. This was one of those times.

"Dr. Vernard." She moved to stand in front of the vidcomm screen in her office as his image appeared. "What can I do for you?"

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2010-10-06 04:38 am UTC (link)
"Ms. Fontaine," he says with a polite nod. "I am sorry to interrupt at what is probably a busy time, but I...apparently have family business to attend to, and do not want to blindside SHIELD or operate at cross-purposes."

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2010-10-06 04:48 am UTC (link)
"Would that family business be in Latveria?" Valentina asked the question to be sure, but she'd been monitoring the situation since the first report broke. The UN had yet to decide what to do and SHIELD's hands were tied until then.

Not that the UN stopped Nick Fury when he wanted into a fight, but that was not the party line.

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2010-10-06 04:57 am UTC (link)
"Yes. It seems I will likely find it necessary to speak with my brother's father and wished to keep you informed of the situation. To save time."

And if he had to use what he knew and the resources of his people to disable half of Doom's defenses in order to have that conversation... so be it. He could not let him put their country in this position. What might happen now could put Latveria in a state it had not seen in 23 years....or somehow worse.

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2010-10-06 05:21 am UTC (link)
"I appreciate the information. If SHIELD can be of assistance, please let us know. If a private request were to be issued, an accommodation could be made for a Fantastic Four ally."

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2010-10-06 05:37 am UTC (link)
"Thank you very much. I will keep you appraised."

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