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Emma Frost ([info]thewhitequeen) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-03 19:14:00

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Entry tags:npc - emma frost, npc - namor

The Gilded Cage
A baby was crying.  Maybe a toddler, Emma couldn't be certain.  All she was certain of was that the child was female and afraid and, even deeper than that, something in her felt like it was breaking apart.  It was dark, but Emma departed down what appeared to be a hall.  "I'm coming, it's alright."  The child continued to sob, but now it called out 'mommy'.  Emma felt her adrenaline rush and her feet hurry further towards the sound.  "I'm coming, baby, I'm coming!"  The crying got louder and louder and Emma ran faster and faster and faster towards the sound, turning the corner and...found nothing.  No child, but there was a bloody blanket on the ground and as she bent to pick it up she heard laughter.  It was deep, male, and oddly familiar but she couldn't place it.  "No!"  Emma screamed.  "No!"


Emma screamed out, thrashing in the bed.  When her eyes opened, though, she realized it was not her bed.  It was comfortable and the sheets were nice, but it wasn't her bed.  Nothing in the room was hers.

"Oh God, where am I?"

She scrambled out of the bed and noticed bruises on her body and felt herself panic.  He'd done this.  Shaw had come after her.  She ran to the door and tried to open it, but found it locked.  So she started pounding on it instead.


Namor would come for her.  He would.  He'd find her.  She just hoped she didn't have to give him bad news when he did.  The bruises worried her and she started to wonder if her dream hadn't been a harbinger of bad things to come.

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2010-10-04 01:07 am UTC (link)
Namor enters the room minutes after one of the guards reports her screaming to him. Emma's powers have been nullified by the device he requested from Doctor Doom months ago, but that did not put him at ease where the White Queen was concerned.

When he enters the cell area, he watches Emma through the bars for a long moment, saying nothing. His face is impassive, even cold as he watches her.

"Are you quite done?" he asks irritably. "Your screaming is disturbing my people, Emma." he says.

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2010-10-04 01:11 am UTC (link)
"Namor, my darling!" Emma's eyes light up and she looks near tears with relief. "You did come for me. I knew you would. I knew you wouldn't let Shaw get away with this..." Her excitement starts to fade when he does nothing, when she notices his face his cold and when he speaks...she feels the concern from earlier turn into outright terror.

What are you talking about, Namor? Your people?" She stepped back from the bars. "Namor...your joking. Please tell me you're kidding..."

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2010-10-04 01:17 am UTC (link)
"When have you known me to jest, Emma? You are currently paying for your sins against Atlantis, against myself and against our children." Namor says, stepping closer to the bars.

"Tell me, something...did you /truly/ think I would never know what you did to me, Emma? That I wouldn't someday learn the lengths you went to to keep from my daughters?" he asks her.

"You tried well. You hid them for a time, but now you are reaping what you sow. They both hate you for the things you've done, hate you as I do." Namor says, barely keeping a leash on his fury.

"Now you will remain here until I have decided what your final fate will be." he says.

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2010-10-04 01:24 am UTC (link)
She looked stricken.

"Namor, we don't have children. We've been trying, but we don't have children yet. If everything goes well this time, we will in eight months, but..." She drew her hands to her midsection. Hate? He hated her? Just a few nights ago he'd told her he loved her. In their bed. In their house. How did she end up in a cage, with him speaking such lies? And the bruises? He'd never hit her before. Had he changed?

"I don't know what you're talking about. Daughters?" Emma tried to reach with her mind to find out what was going on and got nothing. Not just silence, but an absence. It was as though she'd tried to move her arm and found her arm immobile.

"Who are you? WHO ARE YOU? You're not Namor!"

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2010-10-04 01:30 am UTC (link)
"Oh, but I am, Emma. Your faking memory loss, however, will not avail you here. I do not know how you came to be as injured as you were when my people found you, but you are out of tricks." he says.

"Your powers have been neutralized, so that you cannot avoid the judgment you so richly deserve." he says. "And trying to say that you don't remember our children is insulting, Emma. Kassia and Christina would be heartbroken if they heard you now, but I am going to spare them that pain.

You heaped enough indignity upon them by whoring them out to Sebastian Shaw." he snarls.

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2010-10-04 01:35 am UTC (link)
"Who?" Emma tried not to grow frantic. "The real Namor knows we do not have children. He knows. We've tried. We've had failures." She couldn't let herself speak of it any other way. "But we do not have children. Not yet. And I'm going to do everything I can to keep you, whoever you are, from hurting this one inside of me. He will come for me. He will come for us and you will regret the day you ever decided to follow Sebastian Shaw!"

She had started screaming at him, losing a bit of self control in her fear. Neutralized powers? This wasn't neutralized; she recognized immediately that they weren't there at all. This was different than being nullified. This was worse.

"And I would never! NEVER!"

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2010-10-04 02:39 am UTC (link)
"The act is tiring, Emma. I do not care how little you respect me, but denying Kassia and Christina in favor of whatever hellspawn you have growing inside of you is cruel, even for you. This is the indignity you heap upon them. They will be better for not having you in their lives anymore." Namor says, unsure how much he believes that.

"Your accusations of my following Sebastian Shaw are also unwelcome. Continue them and I may decide to chain you to a rock and let the sea gulls feat you for the next several weeks." he says.

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2010-10-04 02:49 am UTC (link)
She didn't know what was going on, but something was cruelly wrong. As much as she wanted to believe that this was not Namor, his carriage and his vocal inflections told her that it was. And he kept talking about a Kassia and Christina, calling them their daughters? She didn't know what he was talking about. They didn't have children! She had only recently become pregnant. He'd been happy, hadn't he? Why was he calling the baby a hellspawn? And what was he going to do to it when it was born? He spoke of feeding her to the gulls and she started to tremble. He was going to kill them both. He'd already beaten her, hadn't he? She still had bruises.

Shaking, pale, and undeniably afraid she backed away from the bars further still.

"I don't know who you're talking about," she whispered. "I don't know why you're doing this."

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2010-10-04 03:23 am UTC (link)
"STOP IT!" Namor suddenly screams at her.

"Stop /lying/! Stop pretending you don't know how you ripped all of the knowledge of my daughter out of my mind so that I wouldn't seek her. Stop pretending that you didn't whore Christina out to Sebastian Shaw to curry favor with the Hellfire Club!" he yells.

"I would have done anything for you and you betrayed me worse than any woman I have ever known. I hate you for using me, for telling me you wanted to be my queen, then taking Kassia from me at the first opportunity. I should kill you for that, but I can't yet find it in my heart to do so. I know I would see you in Kassia's and Christina's faces every day until I die." he tells her.

"You will rot in this cell until you are old and infirm and no man will ever look at you with anything but revulsion." Namor sneers.

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2010-10-04 03:59 am UTC (link)
She had wanted to be his queen, so much, until that instant. Now the only thing she felt was unspeakable terror.

"Whoever these women are I pray you never turn on them as you have me."

Broken and shaking she sits on the bed, pulling her knees to her chest and rocking back and forth, burying her face. It was too hard to look at him now, knowing he had never loved her at all and that he was ultimately going to kill her.

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2010-10-04 04:38 am UTC (link)
"Perhaps when I come again, you will have dropped this farce. It is unbecoming of a woman of your stature." he says.

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2010-10-04 11:32 am UTC (link)
She said nothing, not even looking up at him though she still shook. Why didn't he believe her? And he was going to come back. To do what?

Her head was starting to hurt as she tried to figure things out. Nothing made sense. Lifting her head a bit, blood was streaming from her nose.

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2010-10-05 01:00 am UTC (link)
It would be just his fortune that Emma would find a way to die here and leave him to explain to Kassia and Christina that she'd died. He stops, considering for a moment the idea of letting her bleed to death.

Then he commands the guard to have someone clean her up and goes to ponder his next move in all of this.

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2010-10-07 02:32 am UTC (link)

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