The Gilded Cage
A baby was crying. Maybe a toddler, Emma couldn't be certain. All she was certain of was that the child was female and afraid and, even deeper than that, something in her felt like it was breaking apart. It was dark, but Emma departed down what appeared to be a hall. "I'm coming, it's alright." The child continued to sob, but now it called out 'mommy'. Emma felt her adrenaline rush and her feet hurry further towards the sound. "I'm coming, baby, I'm coming!" The crying got louder and louder and Emma ran faster and faster and faster towards the sound, turning the corner and...found nothing. No child, but there was a bloody blanket on the ground and as she bent to pick it up she heard laughter. It was deep, male, and oddly familiar but she couldn't place it. "No!" Emma screamed. "No!"
Emma screamed out, thrashing in the bed. When her eyes opened, though, she realized it was not her bed. It was comfortable and the sheets were nice, but it wasn't her bed. Nothing in the room was hers.
"Oh God, where am I?"
She scrambled out of the bed and noticed bruises on her body and felt herself panic. He'd done this. Shaw had come after her. She ran to the door and tried to open it, but found it locked. So she started pounding on it instead.
Namor would come for her. He would. He'd find her. She just hoped she didn't have to give him bad news when he did. The bruises worried her and she started to wonder if her dream hadn't been a harbinger of bad things to come.
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