It's Really Happening.
Casey had been going to the pub he had met her at every night ever since he had thought he might have gotten her pregnant. For three weeks he had been doing this and he hadn’t seen her that was until tonight anyways.
Casey was sitting at the bar when someone tapped his shoulder, he turn to look at who it was only to get slapped in the face. He had a pretty good guess as to who that was before he got a good look.
“Hello, Helen,” Casey said, “I take it you have something to tell me.”
“Damn right I do you bastard,” she said angrily, “You got me pregnant.”
It had been nothing more than a possibility until now but there was no denying it now he was going to be someone’s father. “Maybe we should go someplace more private to talk,” Casey suggested with how it had gone so far it seemed like a smart idea.
“Yeah that might be a good idea,” she said. They then both got up and headed to a table away from everyone and started talking things over.
Their conversation covered everything pretty well. For starters she really did not want to have a kid but an abortion was not an option. Her father was a prominent lord in England and when he had found out had stomped his foot down and told her that she was going to have the child and give it up for adoption especially when he had heard the father was some Irishman she met in a bar which meant marriage was out of the question. Casey was fine with all of this accept for one point he want to be a father to this kid.
It was at this point Casey said something without really thinking it through too much, “I’ll raise this child by myself if that’s what it takes so I can be involved with its life.”
Maybe it was the passion in his voice when he said that but she said, “I don’t see why not let me just call daddy first.” After a quick call she came back and said, “He said fine but under the circumstance that you don’t tell anyone about me being the mother and never contact me or my family after the child is born.”
Casey agreed. Since they had discussed all the big stuff that they needed to right now. They swapped phone numbers before leaving and going their separate ways. This left Casey with two things he need to do First was talk to Excalibur about this since he was living with them and the second was telling his parents about this something he felt might be better to do in person.
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