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Mason Jeffries ([info]got_the_touch) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-21 19:41:00

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Entry tags:jordan bochs, mason jeffries, nimue smallwood, plot-"mason jeffries vs atlantis"

Learning to Deal
For any fool for love, being separated from your significant other feels like a long time.

When said significant other is off talking to her dad who rules two thirds or more of the world's surface, and is discussing a bunch of crazy people out to kill you, it feels even longer.

To keep himself busy, Mason had built an aluminum tree house just outside the base, fastidiously checking the road leading towards it for any sign of her.

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2010-09-24 04:12 am UTC (link)
"Why I'd be out here barefoot in September."

Mason taps his foot to the aluminum floor, and there's a flash as a sizable hole opens up underneath Jordan.

Indestructible brothers may mean you can't punch or kick them without breaking a digit, but they can stand up to plenty.

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2010-09-24 04:32 am UTC (link)
Jordan is only just barely able to catch the side of the hole and chin-up himself back into the fort with a smirk. "I could still find someone else to take to the Leafs game." he replies, though by now he's grinning.

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2010-09-24 11:33 am UTC (link)
Mason offers Jordan a hand as he's getting up. "And I could still have taken away your handholds."

He nudges a fist against Jordan's arm once he's got his footing again. "Thanks man."

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2010-09-24 02:38 pm UTC (link)
"You're getting a lot quicker with that power of yours, can tell you've been practicing."

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2010-09-24 11:25 pm UTC (link)
Mason grins. "Yeah, but that's only part of it." He gestures over to the hole, pointing to the thicker metal at the edges. "I realized that contracting the material by increasing the density works a lot faster than forcing it to corrode, or warping it into, say, a funnel."

He repairs the hole, checking that it's smoothed over.

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