The changing of the guard had gone better than Emma had expected. It all had, the sordid business of playing an inelegant game of thrones. Shaw was disposed and deposed, Kine was dead (some sick side of Emma half wanted to purchase the very hogs who had consumed him, but she thought better of it) and things would settle into a new routine of power as the dissidents were crushed by the wheels of revolution. This was how it worked. She'd been party to it before.
It still was too soon to let too much of her affiliation and collaboration in the process show so she said only the sparest of words to Julian before heading home for the evening. Shaw was gone. Kine was dead. Perhaps now she could work on cleaning up the other issues in her life--namely the relationships with her daughters. As she walked into her penthouse, the girls were on her mind, but she wasn't fully distracted.
<i>Was Shaw and Thorn really so stupid as to try something tonight?</i>
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