Bruce Gotham is inspecting the pictures on Emma's mantle as she walks in. His back is to her, and from the way he walks about, one would think she was entering his home instead of the opposite.
"Close the door." he says, continuing to look at the pictures of two young women. He does not recognize one of the girls, but the second one, the older one, is familiar to him.
She has his mother's eyes.
"Am Ah correct to assume that Christina does not know about me? Ah mean, you and Sebastian Shaw did such a wonderful job of erasing my business, my marriage and other areas of my life, that Ah assume Christina has no clue who Ah am." Bruce speculates.
"Are you aware that she's taken up with some Colored boy and that he freeloads off of her? Ah expected you to raise her with at least some kind of pride in herself, Emma.
But then, Ah assumed too much. After all, if a girl's mother is a lyin', bedhoppin', faithless bitch, it stands to reason that the the girl herself will pick up on those habits." Bruce says.
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