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Stevie Barton ([info]hot_rod) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-02 21:48:00

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Well. Now what? (Open)
So, she'd been stuck in this alternate universe for a couple of days now, and Stevie was going out of her mind.   Not that she watched a lot of TV, but only about a third of the shows she did watch even existed in this universe, and only about half of those even had the same actors.  And there were only so many hours she could spend in the gym or sleeping.  And while they were still setting up paperwork for her, she couldn't even really go out yet.

If she'd been more of a Stark, she might well have been able to while away the hours in a lab somewhere, shutting off friends, family, and the outside world while she furthered the cause of SCIENCE (issues with her mother?  Who?  Her?)

Today, however, she'd wandered into the garage.  Boy, those were some nice cars.  Including an extremely sweet, old, but obviously well cared for Impala.  Stevie was practically drooling at the sight of it.  Her fingers were practically twitching to look under the hood.  She'd have to ask who owned it.

She headed back inside and into the kitchen.  Maybe a snack would cheer her up.

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