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callme_eight ([info]callme_eight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-31 17:46:00

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Entry tags:inactive - shanna eight, vincent vernard

Adjustsments being made( Open)
Shanna Eight was still not used to Earth. She thought the city of New york would be the best place to get started in learning about Earth culture. So she was going to stay there until she thought she could blend in well. The problem was that there were very few things she could eat on Earth when it came to food. She had gotten very sick twice trying to eat very basic Earth foods.

Cheese burgers tasted so good but puking for an hour after that was not fun. She would never do that again.

But she had things now! A job at a pet store. The animals there seemed to really like her. But no more than a human which was good. She didn't like drawing attention to herself.

She also had a place to stay. It wasn't very good. It made her wonder if Earth had caste systems too.

Today was her day off. The first day off she had in two weeks. Which was nice actually.

But now she was ting to pick some place to go to learn about Earth culture. She had no idea where one would do that. That was why she was hovering just a few inches off the ground on a street corner reading from a tour guide. She didn't realize she was floating and didn't notice the nervous whispers of people passing by her and standing near that same street corner.

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2010-08-31 10:27 pm UTC (link)
Vincent had actually been on his way to his latest therapy session with Dr Samson, when he could practically taste the wash of emotions coming around the corner. His curiosity getting the best of him (he'd been walking, and there were numerous ways to make up for any lost time), he made his way around to investigate.

You'd think people had never seen a person levitate before.

He approaches the girl and clears his throat. "Excuse me, but displays of metahuman ability generally lead people to assume something terrible is about to happen."

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2010-08-31 10:34 pm UTC (link)
"'Metahuman'?" She peers over the top of the guide book down at him. "I'm not very familiar with that term."

Then she notices she is floating. She makes a face and drops to the ground. People are still looking at her like she might explode. What funny people! "Don't worry! I'm harmless. I just sometimes float if I'm not focusing."

She probably shouldn't say that out loud. But she is smiling very brightly at them. The thought of hurting people just doesn't occur to her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't notice what I was doing," the blond informs Vincent in a more quite tone just for him. Then she gets a good look at Vincent. A bubble of panic takes over and she is off like a rocket into the air and away. He might recognize her! She doesn't want to be. She doesn't want to be reminded of her time serving the Empress. and flying away from Vincent seems like the smartest idea.

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2010-08-31 10:39 pm UTC (link)
Almost instinctively, Vincent takes off after her.

Maybe he is Storm's successor.

He outpaces her and faces her as he stays in front. "I'm sorry, did I startle you? If your powers are new to you, there are people that can help."

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2010-08-31 10:43 pm UTC (link)
She hadn't expected him to be able to fly! She just knew he had been pointed out as desirable.

"No. I just recognize you." She frowns. "I'm not human, Mr Amorason. I have access to all the powers my people are capable of and I think it is a bad idea for us to be near each other."

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2010-08-31 10:46 pm UTC (link)
Vincent blinks. "I go by Richardsson now, actually; and I have to say, I'm not usually told that by women."

He raises an eyebrow. "Who exactly are your people?"

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2010-08-31 10:52 pm UTC (link)
"We're the Baslyveies. Which is funny given that our world is called Baslyve. Rather egotistical of us." She rolls her eyes in a fairly good natured manner.

"But I digress. I used to work for the Empress. I was one of the girls she selected. I quit! But...." She looks distinctly uncomfortable. "I'm not sure you would believe me."

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2010-08-31 11:06 pm UTC (link)
Vincent cringed slightly as memories of the gender alteration incident came back. Still, the girl didn't seem to be interested in posing any sort of threat, and the Empress certainly didn't seem like the type to let her minions roam out where they might think freely.

"Miss, I have seen and experienced all sorts of things. Try me."

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2010-08-31 11:21 pm UTC (link)
"I decided to come to Earth. I mean we were right here... It was safe. I know because I look human I could hide out easily." She crosses her legs as she levitates in the ar in a sitting position.

"I haven't hurt anyone. All I want to do is make a life on Earth. I'm still trying to adjust though. I'm allergic to a lot of food on Earth and our doctors can't help me out. I.... also don't understand Earth culture."

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2010-08-31 11:39 pm UTC (link)
"Looking human definitely helps. Even other half humans aren't always so fortunate."

The mention of food piques his interest.

"One moment please." He pulls out his phone and dials Samson's office, apologizing for the impromptu cancellation, citing an extraterrestrial situation (not untrue).

"What sorts of cuisine have you sampled so far?"

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2010-08-31 11:51 pm UTC (link)
"Cheeseburgers. They make me sick. I can have pizza if there's no meat. I can't eat bacon. Or turkey sandwiches unless I take off the turkey." It's obviously the meat that makes her sick.

"Oh. And chocolate mocha coffee. That was um. Interesting. Oatmeal cookies are AMAZING though. And I adore tea. We don't have it on my world. We boil lichen for our breakfast drinks, you see. We don't grow vegetation easily. Most of our world is frozen."

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2010-08-31 11:55 pm UTC (link)
Vincent nods. "It's understandable you'd have reactions to red meat and poultry then. It's possible you might be able to deal with fish or shellfish, but it'd be better to do testing."

He looks her over thoughtfully. "You don't seem to display problems with dairy or carbohydrates. What's your tolerance to fruits and vegetables? This city in particular has a wealth of options." He's loathe to resort to such restaurants himself, but he's dated a vegetarian or two.

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2010-09-01 12:01 am UTC (link)
"Well I can't eat grass. I don't understand why. It seems perfectly serviceable as a food source. There's so MUCH of it. And I'm good with almost all of the things I've tried out when it comes to fruits or vegetables. I can't have catnip either. I react to it like your housecats do," she explains with an embarrassed blush.

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2010-09-01 12:05 am UTC (link)
If he were capable of such a thing, Vincent would double-take. "Oh... I see. Miss, I think your approach to food on this planet may have been somewhat misguided. Please allow me to show you more palatable samplings."

He does smirk at the bit about catnip. "Many human women respond the same to chocolate, but catnip is perfectly digestible. Several teas use it."

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2010-09-01 12:08 am UTC (link)
"I can't have chocolate. I found that out when I had mocha. I break out in purple hives," she says very calmly. That had not been fun.

She perks up. "That sounds lovely. You can call me Shanna by the way. One of you Eathmen called me that. My real name can't be said easily by your people.

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2010-09-01 12:26 am UTC (link)
He bows in midair. "Vincent Richardsson. A pleasure to formally meet you."

Vincent cocks his head at her. "Was there anything you were involved with at the moment, or would you care to go eat now?"

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2010-09-01 12:40 am UTC (link)
She gives a rather feminine giggle. He is quite dashing in a way.

"I was trying to find an interesting place to experience Earth culture. I have a job you see and today is my day off," she looks a little proud that she has a job. "Food is a part of Earth culture. It would be good to join you."

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2010-09-01 01:18 am UTC (link)
It's as Asgardian thing.

Vincent smiles confidently. "Manhattan is an excellent locale to experience the greatest expanse of the planet's culture." He consults his phone, selecting an appropriate venue, then starts drifting in the direction of it. "This way. Maintain enough altitude, and flying doesn't usually cause the same measure of alarm as when you're hovering over the sidewalk."

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2010-09-01 01:24 am UTC (link)
She seems to no longer be sitting in the air. She flies quite well actually.

"Do you find it's easier to walk or fly? I try not to fly. I was just distracted and flying is so normal back home I forgot." It made looking after her siblings very difficult. They liked flying away from her. "Are humans afraid of powers?"

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2010-09-01 01:44 am UTC (link)
"My personal preference is actually teleportation, flight after that. I was walking today because I had thinking to do, and it affords me more time."

Vincent shrugs at her question about powers.

"Some more than others. My family and our predecessors have been favored well by the public. Mutants are typically feared and hated. Spider-Man was accused of cooperating with criminals as often as he was credited with catching them. A person is smart, people are stupid and dangerous."

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2010-09-01 01:52 am UTC (link)
"It isn't like that on my world. We fight the cold far too much to worry about differences in power. Though not many are different." She males an amused chuckling sound. "Those that are almost look like Kree."

She tilts her head. "I know little of your family. My world is as remote as yours, Vincent. We hear little except for the tensions between the Skrull Empire and the Kree we know little outside our own worries. Their hatred burns bright and deep."

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2010-09-01 02:01 am UTC (link)
Vincent rolls his eyes. "Oh the Skrulls. Petty little slugs." Yeah, it's a thing for the F4.

He clears his throat. "My family and I are known as the Fantastic Four. We inherited the title from our predecessors, Susan Richards and her family. Various abilities set us apart from normal humans, and we generally focus on exploration, rather than defensive positioning like the Avengers."

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2010-09-01 02:15 am UTC (link)
"Ah! I recognize that name. They um. Were not happy we kidnapped their men for breeding. the Empress wanted us to bear your children." She shrugs.

"Are you of different castes then? They of a warrior set and you of a scientist? It would explain the one called James. He was a warrior."

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2010-09-01 11:00 am UTC (link)
... Vincent honestly wasn't sure if he was glad to have missed that adventure or not. Granted, this was the first time since his breakup with Andrea he'd felt even able to flirt anywhere near his usual manner, but still.

"..I believe you'll find that with more than a few superheroes, the line between scientist and warrior blurs quite thoroughly. I myself am highly trained in sorcery, proficient in high science, and more than capable in unarmed combat.." He hesitates, but finishes with, "--although much of that last item is attributed to my demi-god physiology." He clears his throat.

"America has no true caste system, although socioeconomic factors create similar effects."

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2010-09-01 05:37 pm UTC (link)
"Ah. Magic. We lack that ability on our world. Misytra, goddess of waters and magic took the ability from us some centuries ago for our 'lack of faith'. At least that is what the Proctors tell us." She doesn't think much of the priests of her world. They are rather repressive.

"Ah. What way does it fall? I seem to have trouble understanding money. We pay for things with um. Favors. It is because there is an exchange of heat, and heat is precious to us."

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2010-09-01 05:51 pm UTC (link)
Vincent looks at her flatly, the way you'd look at someone who'd gone their entire life being told and believing there was only one fruit you could make jelly or jam from, for example. A mixture of sympathy and derision.

"It's highly unusual for a single deity, whatever their portfolio, to be able to deprive an entire race of the ability to invoke the art. Particularly if they cite lack of faith as the reason. Gods tend to rely on faith to fuel such petty actions."

Vincent blinks, making no misunderstanding about her implication.

"What a prosperous economy you must have. Money is exchanged for that often enough here as well, although the legality and public opinion of such a system varies from nation to nation, and even neighborhood to neighborhood. Currency is generally exchanged for goods and services, and you'll find that this country places a noticeably higher value on currency than others."

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2010-09-01 06:12 pm UTC (link)
"It could be that the Proctors are lying. I was never that deeply religious. My family is a part of the engineering caste. While I myself have not yet attended the academy, I was slated to attend it."

She grins at him. How polite of him. "Our bodies have evolved to retain heat. We need it to be able to do a variety of things. And I find the importance of such an abstract thing most unusual."

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2010-09-01 09:11 pm UTC (link)
Vincent weaves his way around a building, close enough to wave to the occupants through a window.

"Really? My brother has a very impressive level of proficiency in 'solid' sciences. Energy arrays and personal augmentive equipment. He's tried to pass that onto me with limited success, due to no fault of his own. What sort of constructs are your specialty, if any?"

Gears turn in his head. "How sensitive is your ability to retain? You likely won't have the same difficulty in obtaining heat on this planet." He pauses to consider the implied primary way of obtaining heat she already mention, and affords himself a smirk. "It has a varied biosphere, but New York experiences what many would consider a 'regular' cycle of seasonal changes."

He shrugs. "Humans, whatever their variety, are generally greedy and insecure beasts. The imaginary value assigned to scraps of paper and discs of metal have become a planetary standard though, for better or for worse."

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2010-09-01 11:01 pm UTC (link)
"Climate control. At least that was my assigned area of study. We are commanded to do what is asked of us if we are of a science caste. We were trying to find a way to make life easier for our world. I was to be trained to be part of the teams that maintain Vyes-Thau. It is our greatest city and also the hardest to keep hospitable due to the fact it is constantly bombarded with ice storms and blizzards. It is roughly the size of New York and that city called LA put together." She links when they pass by another window and a large dog starts to bark at them. She can't help but giggle and wave at the shaggy beast.

"We have an organ that helps us store the heat within our bodies. The higher up you are seen by my people, the better you are at holding onto your heat. I'm right in the middle. Which isn't bad. That means I am better able to help those who can store very little." Human economics are silly.

"You Earth people are just weird. They don't even really mean anything. Just numbers that are exchanged really. Though. I am at least good at keeping track of the money I earn? I'm attempting to blend in. I tell people I'm from Canada It's quite convincing for some reason. And your world is very warm. If I'm right your winters in New York are like my springs."

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2010-09-01 11:51 pm UTC (link)
"'Weird' is the fundamental basis of entertainment." He smiles. "Who says I'm an 'Earth person'? My origins lie... elsewhere, even if this has become my home, and I love it."

At the last bit, Vincent cannot help but laugh out loud.

"Yes.. I have some experience myself with severe winters. Moreso than this sphere offers." He floats along as if sitting in midair, his body language contemplative.

"Being able to control the flow of heat from one body to another would be a useful skill for rescue work, or massage therapy, for the less adventurous." He nods at her cover. "The average American has very little knowledge of Canada, and the average New Yorker is usually bothered to comprehend life beyond the boroughs. Still, it is a wonderful place to live."

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2010-09-02 12:11 am UTC (link)
"Oh no. I can't actually do that. I mean that I share my heat by physical proximity. We aren't as concerned about boundaries. It makes little sense to us to worry about it when we must fight to keep warm since our world fights to rob us of any warmth. But because I fall in the middle, I can help those that feel too warm share what they have with those that are too cold. It helps prevent diseases that have adapted to survive the cold. It's important to keep the public from getting sick. We have hot houses built to help people who just aren't quite suited to survive the cold."

She flashes a grin. "I'm learning French just in case. I wouldn't want to upset an actual Canadian. I find the languages her are... Interesting. Pretty too. I like the languages from Northern Europe the best though. They remind me of home. And I think my Mother would love the stories I've found about your um. Kinsmen? She is a... kil'ahveyiv? I don't know the word you would use. Word shaper? Keeper of histories. She likes alien cultures."

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2010-09-02 12:54 am UTC (link)
Vincent lets himself fall, gracefully, as they approach their target destination. A little out of the way vegetarian restaurant near St Mark's that made a good bowl of chili, even if nothing else on the menu had ever particularly tickled Vincent's fancy. He sets down on the sidewalk and waits for his companion.

"In that case, shall I teach you a few pleasantries in Scandinavian over lunch?" He smiles, offering his hand to the lady. "And the word would likely be 'historian' in English."

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2010-09-02 04:14 am UTC (link)
She followed after him. She was pleased to be around someone who was in her eyes from Earth that could fly. Walking seemed boring, honestly.

She slips her hand in his. "That would be fun. Hm. It sounds right. I'm still working on my English. Some of your words sound strange to me."

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2010-09-02 04:19 am UTC (link)
"Americanized English is particularly challenging. You seem to have a strong grasp of it so far." He nods encouragingly as he leads her inside.

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