Adjustsments being made( Open)
Shanna Eight was still not used to Earth. She thought the city of New york would be the best place to get started in learning about Earth culture. So she was going to stay there until she thought she could blend in well. The problem was that there were very few things she could eat on Earth when it came to food. She had gotten very sick twice trying to eat very basic Earth foods.
Cheese burgers tasted so good but puking for an hour after that was not fun. She would never do that again.
But she had things now! A job at a pet store. The animals there seemed to really like her. But no more than a human which was good. She didn't like drawing attention to herself.
She also had a place to stay. It wasn't very good. It made her wonder if Earth had caste systems too.
Today was her day off. The first day off she had in two weeks. Which was nice actually.
But now she was ting to pick some place to go to learn about Earth culture. She had no idea where one would do that. That was why she was hovering just a few inches off the ground on a street corner reading from a tour guide. She didn't realize she was floating and didn't notice the nervous whispers of people passing by her and standing near that same street corner.
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