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Julian Gallio ([info]hellfireprince) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-28 18:56:00

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Entry tags:inactive - julian gallo, npc - emma frost, npc team - hellfire club, plot-"the uprising"

Shades of Gray (Hellfire Club Meeting)
(OOC Warning: Mature Content in the Link Below)

Three hours after dealing with the last vestiges of the old guard, Julian Howard finishes tying his tie and checks over the light gray suit he's chosen to for tonight's event. He is clean-shaven, combed and dressed to execute the final part of his opening gambit. The first two portions went according to plan, and Kassia's plan also worked to maximum effect. The picture he'd received on his phone five hours ago had already been deleted, but Emma Frost and Viveca Van Roehm each received a copy for their own personal enjoyment. Never let it be said that Julian didn't follow through on his promises.

The rest of the documents from the area would be in his possession tomorrow evening at the latest, because that was what he paid for. It had been considerably harder to move Sebastian Shaw, but the rush of energy he'd taken from feeding on the older man had given Julian the spring back in his step. Now Shaw was on his way to a special location to serve out the remainder of his days.

Things would not be the same after tonight and Julian expected rancor from at least one of the meetings participants, but that bothered him little. Walking into the meeting room at the Waldorf Astoria, he looked about at the other members of the Hellfire Club. Even when he's fashionably late, Sebastian would have been here over an hour ago, though he was known to take longer when he deigned to do so.

Julian had only been to one meeting of the Lords Cardinal, to introduce himself, so his appearance here now might offer confusion to those who were in the know....which was about three people on the left side of the room.

"Sorry, I'm late everyone. Should we go ahead and start?" he asks, striding in as though he owns the place. He stops over at the table to the left of the doors and grabs himself a carrot or two, chewing happily before taking up a glass of wine.

Then he looks about as if just now noticing what's wrong with this picture.

"Why, where is Sebastian?" he asks, as the doors close behind him of their own accord.

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2010-08-30 01:27 am UTC (link)
"You know what, you're all right. This won't take long to sort out at all." Julian says, offering the assembled group a smile.

"Sebastian, I regret to inform you all, is on an extended vacation. As such, he's abdicated his position as the king of the Hellfire Club." Julian says.

"Now, if I'm not incorrect, as we must have a King, the time has come to initiate a replacement vote. We have a meeting and majority of the members, so I see no reason not to do it now." Julian says, looking about at the assembled and seeming to ponder it.

"I nominate myself for King of the Hellfire Club."

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2010-08-30 01:29 am UTC (link)
Roberto's next move is carefully considered. Instead of voting, he moves next to Emma and takes a seat again, letting her speak for both of them so the others need to consider opposing not simply people with the same opinion, but a bloc of support.

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2010-08-30 01:33 am UTC (link)
"I second this nomination and move for a vote. It is how these things are done." Emma regarded Roberto and looked to Viveca as well.

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2010-08-30 02:19 am UTC (link)
"Oh, this is rich! Come on now, Howard. You don't really think this is going to happen, do you? Even if you've got this hag and that spineless cretin right there backing you," Louis says, indicating Emma and Roberto, respectively. "there are still more of us than the three of you."

He notes that Emma is looking at Viveca and he laughs a little louder.

"What, you too, Viveca? You sure you want to make this mistake? When Sebastian and Regan get here, along with Kine, we're gong to have you all outnumbered. Then it's finally going to be time for the house-cleaning that should have been done years ago." Louis says.

"You're all going to pay for this."

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2010-08-30 02:25 am UTC (link)
“Surely you must be joking,” Benedict said, “Are you also stupid as to think you could possible get away with this.” This complete act of stupidity and insanity was almost funny. He could definitely take advantage of this.

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2010-08-30 02:30 am UTC (link)
Louis's words were a pretty good choice to direct at a young woman obsessed with her own safety.

But Julian hadn't tried anything with her. And he'd gotten results, too. Now that was what security looked like.

"All in favor?" she says, raising a gloved hand as she steps over towards Frost and DaCosta.

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2010-08-30 02:33 am UTC (link)
Not bothering to rise to the bait, Roberto just raises his hand and waits. Sooner or later the others are going to have to wonder if Shaw is coming or not, and maybe then their language won't be so strong when things look less certain.

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2010-08-30 02:39 am UTC (link)
"I'm afraid Kine won't be joining us either. Really, gentlemen, are you truly that ignorant of club history? I'm surprised that Seabstian didn't encode rules on coups into your watered down dna, Louis."

Emma's smile was lethal as she lifted one hand, placing her vote for Julian.

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2010-08-30 03:02 am UTC (link)
Viper raised her hand. She just loved chaos and upheaval. This was fun to watch. Besides, she had a nice little poison ready just in case someone proved to be too much of a problem.

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2010-08-30 03:15 am UTC (link)
"Huh. Look at that. I can't claim to be mathematician, but even if Miss Wyngarde were here, I'd say we have a majority, making me king. However, where Sebastian ruled as the Black King, I see a need for a king that is neither wholly black, nor entirely white but...more a shade of gray.

Therefore, I am the Gray King." Julian tells the assembled.

"Now, Louis, I'm sure you're hoping that Regan's going to come in and set this aright, but I have a couple of things to tell you. First, as of noon today, Miss Frost, Mr. DaCosta and myself hold controlling interest in Shaw Industries as well. That would be your grandfather's company. Don't worry, we're not throwing you out, we'd just like you to know who you're working with from now on." Julian says.

"Furthermore, Miss Wyngarde is having some monetary issues, which is probably why she isn't here. When I saw 'monetary issues', I mean she's broke. She's lost her shares in Shaw Industries as well." Julian shares.

"Now that we've cleared that up, I think it's time to get on with the rest of the agenda. The position of White Rook is currently empty, since Mr. Kine didn't see fit to join us tonight. I don't work well with people who don't give a damn, so I vote that we elect a new White Rook.

I nominate Viper for the position of White Rook. Show of hands for those in favor?"

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2010-08-30 01:06 pm UTC (link)
Emma wordlessly lifted her hand to cast her vote. Really, the looks on people's faces were priceless.

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2010-08-30 06:29 pm UTC (link)
It was considered tactless to vote for yourself, but Viper just didn't give a shit about tact.

She raised her hand.

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2010-08-31 12:18 am UTC (link)
Viveca, smiling a cheerful and pointy-toothed smile, raised hers.

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2010-08-31 02:52 am UTC (link)
Benedict was glaring daggers, he was not happy at all about this situation. He did not give his approval.

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2010-08-31 09:29 pm UTC (link)
Louis was apoplectic, his expression a mix of rage and disbelief.

"How /dare/ you? How dare /any/ of you? Sebastian Shaw made you people members of this establishment and you repay him with treachery? You make me sick!" he snarls.

"And /you/." he says, stalking towards Julian. "You are no one! You don’t belong in the Hellfire Club and you won't get away with this!" he says darkly, jabbing a finger into Julian's chest for emphasis.

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2010-09-01 01:31 am UTC (link)
Julian meets Louis's stare evenly standing unmoving. He raises a hand to anyone looking to intervene, requesting that they do nothing.

"I...really wish you hadn't done that, Louis." Julian says. For as Julian raised that hand to ward off interference, tw of the silver serving trays on the table by the door rose from the table and zoomed directly toward Louis Shaw.

The first one hits him in the back of the head. The second hits him in his back. As he sags to the floor in pain, Julian looks down at Louis.

"Anyone who did to your grandfather what you just did to me would be dead faster than his head could spin. It's true, Louis; I hate your guts. You have this sense of self-entitlement that I find utterly rankling and to top it off...you're a Shaw." Julian says, walking around the man.

"But, we have need of you here, Louis, and I want to extend an olive branch to you and Mr. Thorn, because I believe that everyone in this room wants what /I/ want. Not just money and power, but the ability to reshape the world to our desires." Julian says, looking at the assembled as he adjusts the lapels of his coat.

"Before now, you had a king who was willing to help you only so long as it benefited him first and foremost. I don't want us all working against each other all of the time. Some competition keeps us strong and ready.

But I expect us to close ranks against outside enemies. It has ever been the way of the Hellfire Club, this will not change." Julian tells them, walking about the room.

"However, I'm also not going to demand tribute or tell you that I want fifty cents of every dollar you make, either. You have profit and plans. I want to all of us to get even more. Power and money only go so far, but...in time, we shall set foot in vistas untouched by previous incarnations of the Hellfire Club. Wakanda, Atlantis, Latveria, Attilan, Genosha. These places are no longer closed to us because of their leaders.

The future is happening in this room right now, standing with me." Julian says, looking at everyone in turn as Louis Shaw tries to rise.

"America has always been the ripest fruit on the tree, but there are others and we can have them, if you'll but walk with me. Even you, Louis, because you're worth something, too. Now, back to business." Julian says, returning to the head of the room.

"Viper is the new White Rook. I hereby strip Regan Wyngarde of the title of Black Queen and bestow this title and honor upon one Viveca van Roehm." Julian says, looking to Viveca.

"Do you accept?" he asks, extending a hand.

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2010-09-01 01:49 am UTC (link)
Viveca blinks. She wasn't expecting that part. Some stake in the corpse of Kine and Regan's business scheme, sure, but....Queen? Sure, in some ways a higher position sets one up for a fall, but...this little arrangement had momentum.

And now she's smiling again. Street-cred-endangering levels now. "Yes," she says, setting a hand on his.

There are obviously plenty of questions about how anyone could possibly expect the Club to get any ground in Attilan, Atlantis, or Latveria, but those questions will come soon.

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2010-09-01 02:01 am UTC (link)
Benedict was of halve a mind to make a display of his own powers but given that would make him no better than that little snot. He also had a good self preservation instinct and based on what had been happening to the others he did not like his odds if he turned down his offer.

“I accept your offer,” Benedict said. He might not like what was going on but right now there was not much he could do about it.

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2010-09-03 12:57 am UTC (link)
"Excellent." Julian says with a broad smile.

"I appreciate your willingness to work together, Mr. Thorn. I'd like to set up a meeting to discuss a few things with you later this week, if you're available." Julian says.

"In the meantime, it looks like we've concluded the pressing business for this meeting, so please enjoy your evenings and you'll be informed of the time, date and location of our next gathering soon.

Meeting adjourned." the Gray King says, stepping past Louis to leave.

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2010-09-03 05:42 am UTC (link)
Roberto stands, and, ever the gentleman, offers a hand to Emma, then the other ladies of the Club.

"Pleasure doing business with all of you. I look forward to the next meeting already."

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