Current music: | The Truth- Kris Allen |
The Truth (After return from Providence)
Justin had known mutants all his life, but staying at Xavier's was still a surreal experience. He's still getting to know his way around the place, and the only person he truly knows is Misha. After girding himself against the possibility of running into Misha's old man (who looked exactly like Commander Howlett from his own world) Justin heads to the cafeteria to get something to eat.
He grabs a tray and steps into the line, not really saying anything to anyone else. He's gotten a few stares, being the new guy and all, but no one's been hostile; in fact, they've all been really nice. Grabbing himself a turkey sandwhich and potato chips, he sits down and begins to eat, his mind going over calculations for the armor, when an odd bit of conversation cuts into his reverie.
"Dude...what happened to Joey? You think has anything to do with what happened to Tina Frost?" a young man asks.
"I heard they threw down and Joey kicked her ass." a young girl says.
"/I/ heard that poked his eyes out with a knife because he tried to feel her up." a second girl chimes in.
"Neither of those are true." says a second young man, his voice extremely agitated, yet firm.
"Okay, then what do /you/ think happened, Cassidy?" the girl asks.
"I don't know, but Joey and Tina...they wouldn't fight without a good reason." Cassidy says.
"You're just saying that because you /like/ her." the boy says.
"No, I don't. She just...I know Tina. She's not like that. Neither is Joey." Cassidy says again.
At this point, Justin turns around to get a look at the boy talking. Dark hair, jeans, blue polo. Justin's never heard Tina talk about this kid before, but he seems to know her.
"Hey, Cassidy." Justin calls out.
The boy looks at him, instantly suspicious. "Do...I know you?"
"No, but I know Tina, too. Have you seen her? Is she here?"
Ten minutes later, Justin walks into the infirmary, stopping at the door to see his girlfriend doing something strange. Cassidy didn't tell him much, but he told Justin enough for certain things to fall into place.
"So...I.T work, huh? That /is/ what you told me you do for a living, right?" Justin asks simply. There's no accusation in his voice...
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