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Melissa Frost ([info]lady_hood) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-22 13:27:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, crosshairs, inactive - beetle, inactive - melissa frost, inactive - molly hayes, npc team - weapon x, plot-"the uprising", plot-"wayward children"

A Party to Die At, er...For. (Five hours before the meeting)
Melissa wasn't sure if she could like Boston; the city was nice enough, but it just didn't feel as alive as New York City. She rolled the black hose up her leg, then strapped her combat knife to her thigh. She really didn't like going into a job without her guns on, but she'd at least worked out a way to get those and her hood to her at a moment's notice.

Once she's dressed, she stands up and goes over to the small table where the map of Benedict Kine's estate is laid out, along with a few pieces of Kelly's guns, some markers, and a a white chocolate mocha.

"Okay, babe. So, let's go over this plan one more time..." 

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Re: The Hood vs. Donovan
2010-09-03 07:05 pm UTC (link)
Tessa had been holding onto Kelly since she was the one they were after, but her grip slipped when Spectre teleported her over to the other woman. Tessa reached out for the other woman.

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Re: The Hood vs. Donovan
2010-09-06 06:21 am UTC (link)
Melissa was still recovering from Donovan's attack when the pair teleported near her. The woman's touch affects Melissa, all right, and she turns to see her worst fear has come to life.

"Come with me, child, and join your father and sister in torment eternal!" the demons says, reaching out for her.

Melisa screams in rage and opens fire twice on the spot Donovan and Tessa are standing on before teleporting away from the demon and trying to retrieve her other gun so that she can kill it as quickly as possible.

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Re: The Hood vs. Donovan
2010-09-06 06:29 pm UTC (link)
Tessa got hit in the arm. She stepped back a few steps, but she wasn't out of the fight yet. The wound would heal in a few minutes.

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Re: The Hood vs. Donovan
2010-09-08 02:54 am UTC (link)
Melissa gets her other gun back, and scrambles for whatever cover she can find. The moment she has her wits about her, she'll take a deep breath and hold it.

Once she vanishes, she'll attempt to sneak up on the "demon" and put a few more bullets in it so that it can't must a new attack on her. She'll have to take a breath soon, but she'd prefer to do it when this thing isn't trying to drag her to hell.

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Re: The Hood vs. Donovan
2010-09-08 03:02 am UTC (link)
He's had a chance to recover, and few people do hit and run as well as he does. Teleporting in behind her, Donovan reaches out, trying to pull more of her intoxicating life force from the girl while she's intent on whatever vision she's seeing in front of her and disoriented thanks to Tessa.

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Re: The Hood vs. Donovan
2010-09-09 01:12 am UTC (link)
Her mystic abilites protect her from much, but not Donovan's incessant life draining ability. Melissa quickly begins to fall, knowing that the demon will come for her soon enough.

Maybe it's best this way. Sara will never know she died, and May will simply wonder. She's sorry she wasn't better back up for Kelly, but there's not much more she can do against this manner of assault.

She falls to the ground unsteadily, hoping that Kelly can at least save herself.

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