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Melissa Frost ([info]lady_hood) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-22 13:27:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, crosshairs, inactive - beetle, inactive - melissa frost, inactive - molly hayes, npc team - weapon x, plot-"the uprising", plot-"wayward children"

A Party to Die At, er...For. (Five hours before the meeting)
Melissa wasn't sure if she could like Boston; the city was nice enough, but it just didn't feel as alive as New York City. She rolled the black hose up her leg, then strapped her combat knife to her thigh. She really didn't like going into a job without her guns on, but she'd at least worked out a way to get those and her hood to her at a moment's notice.

Once she's dressed, she stands up and goes over to the small table where the map of Benedict Kine's estate is laid out, along with a few pieces of Kelly's guns, some markers, and a a white chocolate mocha.

"Okay, babe. So, let's go over this plan one more time..." 

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-24 12:27 am UTC (link)
Kelly downs the offered drink in a quick shot. She's sure he's spiked it, not that it matters, whatever it is will work through her system by the time she gets to their meeting.

Before downing the drink, she does pause to raise the glass in salute to the man who sent it to her, giving him a vapid but enthused smile. Apparently it shouldn't take much to get her in bed.

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-24 02:21 am UTC (link)
Kine watches Kelly drink the drink (which he slipped the roofie in) and can't believe his luck. She's practically gift-wrapping herself for him.

He returns the salute, then saunters down the stairs, meandering his way toward her. He nods here, shakes a hand there, smiles elsewhere, until he finally walks up behind Kelly, violating the normal rules of personal space with no air of caution at all.

"My name is Ben and you're the sexiest woman in this room, Miss. I'd like it if we could...get to know each other somewhat. Care to dance?" he asks.

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-24 03:35 am UTC (link)
Kelly giggles vapidly. "My friend said there would be rich, powerful people here, and I should get to know them." she replies, practically draping herself on him.

"Do you really want to dance, or maybe talk somewhere more... private?"

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-24 03:47 am UTC (link)
"Dancing /is/ overrated. Why don't we go elsewhere? I have a big house, so this party won't bother us at all." Kine says.

"Follow me upstairs." he requests, taking her hand. He might even try to discreetly cop a feel as he lets her precede him.

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-24 03:56 am UTC (link)
She giggles again. "Why Ben, you're very forward, aren't you." she teases, swaying her hips a little extra as she walks now. "Just my type, I'm sure no one will miss us for a while. Lead the way."

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-25 12:42 am UTC (link)
Kine leads Kelly up the long, winding stairway, whispering suggestive ideas as they go. He takes her to his bedroom, which contains a large four-poster oak bed, satin sheets and a fireplace, which is already blazing.

The art in the room tries to pull off sophisticated, but never quite reaches it, much like Kine himself, though he'd never admit that. He tells the men outside the door that he wants no interruptions, then slams the door.

"I still didn't catch your name, Beautiful." Kine says, loosening the buttons of his cuff-links.

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-25 05:14 am UTC (link)
She smiles seductively, turning and draping both arms over his shoulders. Internally she's repulsed. The sleaze doesn't bother her too much one way or another, but he doesn't even have a sidearm or shoulder piece. Entirely not her type. Still, she plays the part.

"Candy." she replies with a giggle.

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-25 12:30 pm UTC (link)
Kine smiles at the name. "Candy, huh? Well, I bet you're sweet any way one looks at it." he says, turning to face her.

He moves for the kiss, seemingly ready to skip to the main course instead of waiting for an appetizer.

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-25 01:08 pm UTC (link)
She returns the gesture. As her arms wrap around him, there's a brief pinprick of a needle pushing between two vertebrae in his neck. Provided she got her mixture right, this should fairly quickly be followed by a general numbness, first in the limbs, then the brain, just a general difficulty thinking entirely clearly.

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-26 12:01 am UTC (link)
Around the time that Kine would start to take liberties with his roaming hands, he finds those hands are feeling...funny. The numbness quickly spreads to up his arms, down to his legs, and soon enough, he's collapsing to the ground in a heap.

His brain swims as he tries to shake it clear of the cobwebs that have so rapidly come to encase it.

"Whuh ddyuu do t'me...?" he asks, starting to panic.

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-26 12:18 am UTC (link)
(OOC: Mature reading tag, some readers may wish to stop at this point. You've been notified.)

Kelly bounces back, hopping up onto the dresser where she perches like a very feminine gargoyle.

"I'm afraid I haven't been entirely honest with you, Mr. Kine. My name is Kelly, Kelly Wilson. I've seen the pictures of what you do to young girls with your powers and various illicit substances. Now, normally, I wouldn't care where you stick your bits or what you do with your cutlery. See, on an average day, I have all the moral compunctions of a sand flea. However, two factors make this not an average day... one, I am being paid a great deal of money to be offended to my core at the naughty things you've used your power and influence to visit upon questionably innocent girls. Second, your technique with your cat o' nine tails is criminally awful. If you're going to be an ethically and morally bankrupt sadist, you could at least take some pride in your work. On behalf of ethically and morally bankrupt sadists everywhere, I am disappointed, sir. Deeply disappointed."

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-26 12:37 am UTC (link)
Kine looks at Kelly as if she's grown a second head. Who...who knew about his activities? Did Christina finally decide to tell her mother? Did Shaw sell him out? He was so careful! This couldn't be happening.

"Whuteva...they're payin' you....I'll double it." Kine says, hoping there's a way to cut a deal and get out of this. He can't let Shaw and the others find out about this, or they'd toss him out of the club for sure! Maybe even give his spot to that poser Julian Howard.

"Please...don't du dis...makin'...a mistake." he says.

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-26 12:56 am UTC (link)
Kelly grins savagely, licking her lips. "Not only would you double cross me even faster than you prove yourself sexually inadequate... no wonder you tie them up and drug them... limits complaints... anyway, that would severely curtail my future earnings portfolio. See, you could undoubtedly make me very wealthy, but no one would ever want to hire me again, and I do so love my work. So I'm afraid that we're going to have to find another line of discussion... how about... SCIENCE!"

She announces this dramatically, pausing long enough to hop off the dresser and set a tape recorder in front of the door, which plays predictable sounds of a bubblehead slut being tortured and brutally raped. That ought to satisfy the bodyguards for a while... of course, Mission Impossible style, this recording will self-destruct - as soon as the recorder is disturbed again. Early warning system for her, and anyone who would work for Kine can lose some fingers or an eye without her feeling sorry for them.

"Have you ever heard of Ampulex compressa, Mr. Kine? Also known as the Tropical jewel wasp. Its venom briefly paralyzes its victim while giving a secondary venom time to work into the higher brain functions. Now, normally, this only works on cockroach ganglia. But once the secondary venom works its way into the roach brain, it remains perfectly awake and aware of its surroundings, but loses all capacity for fight or flight reflex. Fascinating, not unlike some permutations of your abilities, which is only part of why I had no difficulties associating you with a vicious parasitic lower creature. I have worked long and hard on making a variant of the venom which would work on the human brain. Many long hours have been spent studying brain chemistry, human flight reflex and response, wasp venom, molecular biology and zombie movies. You can imagine my pain and suffering. But after many, many hours of toil and B-horror marathons, I believe I achieved a breakthrough. Which left me with another issue. Even a lot of hardened criminals would recoil at the thought of zombifying someone and pied pipering them out of their room to some awful fate. So in order to make my research even vaguely justifiable, I needed to find someone even worse than me to test it on if I ever wanted to work again. A true human cockroach, who no one would really miss, who consumes heedlessly and produces nothing but shit. Who even the most ethically leprous criminal element recoils from... so congratulations Mr. Kine, all of your many shortcomings, businesswise, sexually, sadistically and otherwise aside, you get one final achievement in your miserable life... you get a death scene worthy of you. And just to lighten the mood, a gratuitous Princess Bride quote... do tell me how this feels. And remember, this is for science, so be honest."

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-26 01:49 am UTC (link)
Kine could only listen as the bitch mocked him. He couldn't feel anything and it was getting harder to keep his thoughts from congealing like so much molasses inside his skull. A strange, odd sensation crept into the pit of his stomach, one he hadn't had since Shinobi Shaw picked him up a few years ago to join the Hellfire Club.

Fear. Cold, unyielding fear.

He glared Kelly with pure hatred in his eyes. If he could just reach his phone, or call out, he'd make this little bitch really sorry she came here tonight.

"Powerful...friends. You...fucked up...big time...bitch." Kine says. "Can't...do this to...ME! You're...trash."

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-26 01:56 am UTC (link)
She continues, non-plussed. "I think I forgot the important part, Mr. Kine. See, ampulex compressa has a purpose to its zombification." she says, hooking a finger into his collar and leading him towards the window.
"See, the paralysis is short lived. As it wears off, with the secondary venom in play, the tropical jewel wasp leads the zombie cockroach, still fully awake and aware, but unable to resist steering, back to its nest, where it lays its eggs in the cockroach. You see, the wasp's larva need a living host to feed on. So the cockroach rests peacefully, unable to flee or resist, in the wasp's lair while the larva grows and eventually chews its way out."

She guides him out the window, fireman's carrying him to the ground, then to his jag. She takes his keys from him, loading him into the passenger seat while she gleefully narrates.

"You're lucky, in a way. I don't have any larva, and the human brain is more complex than cockroach ganglia. So my derivative wouldn't last nearly two weeks, as bright and cheery as the image of larva eating their way out of your intestines is... so I have a different destination in mind."

She parks the car a quarter mile from her destination, hiding it amidst some trees as she helps him out of the car and walks the Kine-zombie towards a farm.

"You see, I discovered where you dispose of your bodies, Mr. Kine. I think you know where we're headed."

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-26 02:06 am UTC (link)
Kine is confused as Kelly explains what the Jeweled Wasp does to cockroaches. For a moment, his mind goes to that awful place where this woman actually uses him as some freak science experiment for wasp breeding. As she's carrying him away from the safety of his home, with his guards none the wiser, Kine begins calling out mentally.

Regan...help me...crazy. Bitch is crazy...dun wanna....dun wanna die...

He wonders if she can even hear him. He tries mentally screaming out to someone else.

Frost! Help me...and I'll help you unseat Shaw...help you get rid...of Regan. Tell you everything they made me do...

Nothing. Nothing at all.

The drive to forest is short, but as soon as Kelly pulls him out of the car, he knows exactly where they are. He looks to her now, his eyes pleading for some manner of mercy or compassion as his speech has finally failed him completely.

He can't resist as Kelly leads him along.

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-26 02:24 am UTC (link)
"Awww, that innocent eyes thing is pretty good. Now, if you'd showed any of those girls who cried and begged for compassion or mercy any, or perhaps I thought you could really reform, having had a moment of clarity about how your victims feel..."

She smiles, taking out a bowie knife and starting to cut him out of his clothes.

"Actually neither of those things would help you. Even if I weren't a heartless bitch with a twisted sense of humor, I've been paid to make sure that you suffer on your way out."

She finishes stripping him, before taking out a canteen and splashing him liberally with its contents.

"Now, see... I know you normally just feed your victims to the hogs on those occasions you're a little too rough with them, and pay the farmer enough to sleep /very/ soundly. And admittedly, being eaten alive by pigs would be a painful, horrible way to die.... you already know, obviously, that given the right stimuli, pigs will trample, tear apart, and eventually consume almost anything, including human flesh - and these have been well conditioned to that end. But, back to our science lesson, did you know that hogs also have 18 inch penises, Mr. Kine? 18 inch penii shaped like corkscrews... and I just doused you with hog pheromones. Chemistry lesson... there's a reactive chemical I included with the pheromones. After a few hours, the pheromones will wear off, and /then/ they'll eat you. The only question will be if they'll have trampled you or, erm, gored you to death by then. Either way, your bodyguards won't even be looking for you for longer than that, and no one at the party is expecting you, thanks to my girlfriend."

She leads him to the edge of the fence, and gives him a little push.

"Real shame you can't even scream." she replies, taking out his cel-phone and taking a final picture of Kine as the hogs close in with his camera phone, sending it to the number her employer gave her as proof she did the job she was given with suitable flair.

"Good bye, Mr. Kine."

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Re: An hour later
2010-08-26 02:41 am UTC (link)
Benedict Kine falls down into the muck of the pig sty, splattered with all manner of disgusting and as much as he should be alarmed, he can barely form a coherent thought.

The mud is cool against his burning skin, and the Boston air is feels good in his hair. Candy...or was it Cindy?...she was so nice to take off his clothes for him.

There's something he was supposed to do tonight, somewhere he was supposed to be...wasn't there?

The sound of the hogs is the last thing he hears as he tries to remember what was so bloody important about tonight...

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