Re: Enter Weapon X
The shattering of the window catches Mel completely by surprise and she curses both aloud and in her head as the attack commences. She should have known that this wasn't going to be easy, but she couldn't understand.
How could Kine's people be on them this fast?
When Kelly gets out of the car, Melissa reaches down to grab her purse. All of the important stuff is in there, and if the next thing coming at them is gun fire, it would be best not to lose it. She speaks a word under her breath and vanishes from the inside of the car to reappear twenty feet outside of it.
Scanning the situation, Melissa decides it's finally time to have a little bit of fun. She reaches into her purse and pulls out her red cloak and hood, starting to put it on over her shoulders. Good thing she enchanted it to hold a lot more than it should be able to carry.
Pulling the hood over her face, Melissa then pulls her handguns from inside the purse, then aims at Tessa.
"Hands off my woman, bitch!" she says in her demoic voice, firing at the red-haired woman.
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