Re: An hour later
She continues, non-plussed. "I think I forgot the important part, Mr. Kine. See, ampulex compressa has a purpose to its zombification." she says, hooking a finger into his collar and leading him towards the window.
"See, the paralysis is short lived. As it wears off, with the secondary venom in play, the tropical jewel wasp leads the zombie cockroach, still fully awake and aware, but unable to resist steering, back to its nest, where it lays its eggs in the cockroach. You see, the wasp's larva need a living host to feed on. So the cockroach rests peacefully, unable to flee or resist, in the wasp's lair while the larva grows and eventually chews its way out."
She guides him out the window, fireman's carrying him to the ground, then to his jag. She takes his keys from him, loading him into the passenger seat while she gleefully narrates.
"You're lucky, in a way. I don't have any larva, and the human brain is more complex than cockroach ganglia. So my derivative wouldn't last nearly two weeks, as bright and cheery as the image of larva eating their way out of your intestines is... so I have a different destination in mind."
She parks the car a quarter mile from her destination, hiding it amidst some trees as she helps him out of the car and walks the Kine-zombie towards a farm.
"You see, I discovered where you dispose of your bodies, Mr. Kine. I think you know where we're headed."
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