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Gretchen Wagner ([info]indigogirl) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-04 20:38:00

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Entry tags:inactive - anastasia summers, inactive - braddock lebeau, inactive - gretchen wagner, inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, sylvia mccoy, team - x-men, tsunami

Gretchen needed it. She really needed it.

So she'd asked around among the Alternate-Xavier's kids (she should probably keep trying to stop thinking of it like that), touched on all the conversational points that made Rose more likely to go along with something, and was currently seated in a lovely little establishment that reputedly had great Asian barbecue as well.

Gott in Himmel, they had everything. Even the LeBlanc cover of the song she was looking for. That was good. She liked the more upbeat tempo, although she tended to sing the original, cleaner lyrics.

So the lighting near the little 'stage' area dimmed a bit as Gretchen strutted up for a very enthusiastic rendition of "The Lord Knows I'm Drinking."

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2010-08-09 04:09 am UTC (link)
Gretchen listens.

And she's entirely quiet for a moment, as she gets out a pen, and a napkin.

As she writes something, hand obscuring it, she looks intently at him to make sure he's serious.

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2010-08-09 04:19 am UTC (link)
Braddock LeBeau is rarely serious. He's had to find something in his life to laugh at to keep from losing his mind at the fact his parents are the two most demanding perfectionists he's ever met, and their expectations of him to be the same.

So he flirts, teases and jests his way through life so that no one has to know how truly messed up he is.

Still, when Gretchen looks at him, he can tell she's still not sure. He's been playing this game with her for years, so it's no wonder she can't be certain of what he wants.

"I want to be with you, chere. As long as you'll let me." he says.

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2010-08-09 04:26 am UTC (link)
And she finishes writing.

And with Rose so intent on Joey, and Gretchen so very well-practiced at a trick she'd never use 'for real' but which was fun as anything to learn from Brad, the note is slipped with unnoticed ease into young Miss Logan's back pocket.

It reads,
I promise I'll write. Tell Mina and Alternate-Dad and Alternate-Aunt Jimaine I'll be in touch, and I'm praying for them.
You look so happy. Good for you, seriously.
With Love,

She looks at Brad and says, quietly. "Then you've got me."

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2010-08-09 12:36 pm UTC (link)
Those are the sweetest words Braddock has ever heard. He's got a girl, a plan, and a car with a full tank of gas.

It's best one doesn't ask how he got the last.

"Very well, Princess. Let's go." he says, offering his hand.

If she takes it, he'll lead her out of the club and into the night.

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2010-08-09 06:03 pm UTC (link)
She will, and they'll slip out.

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