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Rose Logan ([info]wild_rose) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-03 20:42:00

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Entry tags:inactive - anastasia summers, inactive - chris frost, inactive - chris pym, inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, plot-"providence of mutantdom", team - x-force

Some People Call Me Maurice
For the members of X-Force, the previous night had been extremely successful.  Each, in their own way, had gathered pieces of information which helped to make the larger puzzle a little more clear.

1) Rose had determined through a conversation with one of the lead scientists that not only did the X-Gene therapy work, but that it was largely being purposed as a means of suppressing the x-gene in others, with the possibility of adding powers to an individual being more of a side project.  She had also wrangled herself an invitation to see the lab up close and personal.

2) Tina and Joey had, in what even Rose would admit was a spectacular piece of subterfuge, learned that not only was there workings in place to get the therapy to the outside world, but Tina had secured herself a job within the lab on the promise of a favorable negotiation with regards to this deal.

3) Anastasia had managed to secure a security badge for the lab.  It would be some time before this was missed.  With Tina having gained access and her skills, this might have turned out to be redundant, but as each had been operating individually, some duplication was to be understandable.

4) And Chris...  had listened to rumors and confirmed that there was interest among the population in the therapy.  She also had a much more pleasant evening than any of the others had in their interactions with the natives.

In ones and twos, the group had passed the bits of information on to each other and begun to hatch a plan.  Rose and Tina would both be able to be in the lab at the same time easily enough.  Between Tina's technopathic abilities and experience, and Rose's own skillset, they could decide how to proceed from there.  The others would hold back on stand-by, ready to come with a moment's call and gain access either through Tina or through the stolen card. 

It was a solid plan.  It was supposed to just be about gathering info.  What could go wrong?

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Re: Rose's "Date"
2010-08-05 01:20 am UTC (link)
Rose is quite aware of the attention she's receiving. She can't remember the last time she'd had this many guys paying attention to her. At least, not in this way.

"I get along really well with my dad," Rose admitted. "Things are a little awkward with Mom sometimes. We're pretty different."

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Re: Rose's "Date"
2010-08-05 01:29 am UTC (link)
"Ironically, things are the exact opposite with my parents. I get along better with my mother because we both like science. My dad would have preferred I take up a more 'manly' occupation, like police work. He's a third-generation policeman, and both of my older brothers joined the force as soon as they could." Brad says.

"I didn't feel the same, and now, Dad and I only speak on holidays. Mom and I talk all the time." he says, leading her down a short hallway and to the right, where there were offices on the left and a wall of motivation pictures on the right. Brad stops before one office and beams.

"This is my office." he says, showing Rose a nicely furnished, spacious room with a very high-tech computer on an oak desk. There's a TV in one corner and a small cot across from it.

"Sometimes I end up working overnights, or coming in early and catching a nap before I start." he says.

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Re: Rose's "Date"
2010-08-05 02:06 am UTC (link)
"My dad's kind of a health nut," Rose said. "Outdoorsy, live off the land type. So I take after that a bit. Mom's great, but she and Dad weren't together long, and I spent more time with him, really."

"Is that so?" she asked him. "Must get awful lonely sometimes."

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Re: Rose's "Date"
2010-08-05 02:29 am UTC (link)
"My dad is big on hunting and such. Loves to do it. I can't stand it, personally." Brad says.

"Yeah, it does, but until I find a reason to stop doing it, it's what I've got." he says, heading back out into the hall.

"You can see the lab next. Where the 'magic' happens." he grins.

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Re: Rose's "Date"
2010-08-05 03:06 am UTC (link)
Rose bets Brad's dad has never been her kind of hunting. Just you and the animal, tracking through your own talent... It wasn't even about the killing--in fact, her brand of hunting usually avoided that. It was about seeing how close to the animal you could get without it noticing.

She smiled. "Let's see some magic."

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Re: Rose's "Date"
2010-08-05 03:25 am UTC (link)
The pair arrive at the lab, which is spotless, just as a female research assistant is leaving. She greets Brad with demure smile and nods at Elizabeth professionally.

Once she's gone, Brad points to a set of monitors on the wall.

"We've mapped the X-Gene completely, but there are still several things we're learning. Did you know that there's a school of thought that says mutants aren't coded for a specific set of powers, but develop whatever is needed on the spot? Think of what someone could accomplish if they continually recreate situations where they needed to manifest a particular ability." Brad says.

Rose may or may not have heard of this particular theory; the few people who'd espoused it aren't considered very credible.

"We're also starting to learn that mutants may be the dominant species on the planet inside of thirty years. With the rapid rise of the population, humanity may in fact be the minority soon. There are a lot scenarios for how things could go from there, but I think it will be a fascinating time for all involved." Brad says.

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Re: Rose's "Date"
2010-08-05 03:46 am UTC (link)
Doctor McCoy--her universe's anyway, had bounced the theory around once or twice, she recalled, though she didn't believe he'd ever gotten particularly far with it.

"Aren't you worried this is all a little... big?" she asked. "I mean, you could make an army with this. Or take away every mutant's power...?"

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Re: Rose's "Date"
2010-08-05 04:03 am UTC (link)
"I understand it could be seen that way, Elizabeth." Brad says, stepping a little closer to her now. "But all we really want to do here is help all mutants."

"I trust in Cable's plans and ideas. He's the only person out there with a real idea while everyone spends time squabbling. We can stop more places from ending up like Fargo, Liz. I want that more than anything." he says.

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