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Rose Logan ([info]wild_rose) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-27 20:17:00

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Entry tags:inactive - anastasia summers, inactive - chris frost, inactive - chris pym, inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, plot-"providence of mutantdom", team - x-force

Some Call Me the Gangster of Love
With the fake backgrounds and IDs Summers and the rest of the crew, getting into Providence (Rose and Tina inserted in one group, Chris and Annie inserted in another, and Joey with his own plan) as part of differing immigrant groups had proven surprisingly easy.  Fake IDs listed them all as a little bit older than they were, but not impossibly so.  They'd passed the background checks, taken aptitude tests, and been given various placements within Providence society.

Per the initial meeting outline, they'd purposefully avoided each other for the first three days on the island itself.  Now, however, it was time to meet.

Rose--whose fake ID identified her as Elizabeth Howlett--sat down on the park bench that was X-Force's rendezvous point.  She took a long sniff, breathing in the air.  It was cleaner than back in the states, clean like the wilderness.  Whatever Nate was up to here... it sure seemed to her like he was doing something right.

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Re: Open Mic Night
2010-08-01 03:02 am UTC (link)
Brad looks like a kid at Christmas time as Elizabeth looked at him.

He points at a small sugar container across the room jerks his finger to the left.

It slides off the counter and falls to the ground. Brad looks pleased with himself as he looks back at Elizabeth.

"Unofficially, I was a regular guy last week. Now, I'm a telekinetic." Brad grins.

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Re: Open Mic Night
2010-08-01 03:11 am UTC (link)
Rose's expression is like a lit Christmas tree, like a little kid watching a magician perform a magic trick.

"That is amazing!" she told him, almost bubbly (she couldn't quite make herself be "bubbly". "I can't imagine how smart you'd have to be to do that!"

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Re: Open Mic Night
2010-08-01 03:16 am UTC (link)
Brad looks like he just won the Gold Medal at the Olympics.

"I'm surrounded by talented people." he says. "Hey...would you want to get something to eat sometime? Like tomorrow night?" he asks.

His confidence is up, and he's feeling like he can't lose right now.

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Re: Open Mic Night
2010-08-01 03:51 am UTC (link)
Well, there's a mystery solved. Apparently all Rose has ever had to do to catch a guy is to be the complete opposite of herself. Thank God for Joey.

She made herself smile. "I'd like that," she said. She certainly had plenty of info already and could probably pump for more.

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Re: Open Mic Night
2010-08-01 06:13 am UTC (link)
Brad smiles like the cat that ate the canary. He's not a bad-looking guy, but he's also not exactly a male model, either. He adjusts his glasses and takes a hit from his inhaler.

"Hey, if you'd like, after dinner, I can take you on a tour of the labs. Maybe you can even meet the Head of Security or Miss Merriweather. They both stop in from time to time. So does the Big Boss Man. Even if they don't, you can still see some of our work." Brad says. It's clear that he's trying to impress Elizabeth.

"Shall we say 7:30 tomorrow night?" he asks.

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Re: Open Mic Night
2010-08-01 10:22 pm UTC (link)
Rose was going to want an Oscar for the performance she was putting on.

"Oh, really?" she said, again just a bit bubbly. "You'd do that for me? That's really wonderful!"

She smiled, letting herself look impressed. "That sounds great," she said.

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Re: Open Mic Night
2010-08-01 11:34 pm UTC (link)
"I would. It's no trouble at all, and you seem like the kind of woman who can appreciate a good lab." Brad says.

"Should we trade numbers? I can call you tomorrow to let you know I'm on my way."

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Re: Open Mic Night
2010-08-01 11:49 pm UTC (link)
Rose is going to get together with Tina when this mission is over and they are going to have words with Summers. Possibly ones like "hold him down for me" and "hurts, don't it?"

"Oh, thank-you!" Rose giggled.

"Sure," she said, scribbling her number down on a napkin.

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Re: Open Mic Night
2010-08-02 12:06 am UTC (link)
Brad beams as he scribbles his own number down on a napkin for Elizabeth. He's /so/ telling the guys in the lab about this.

I totally bagged the Aerobics Instructor. What the fuck have you done lately?

That was exactly how he was going to say it, too.

"Can I buy you another drink?" he asks.

Rose gets another text on her phone right about then.

//Dinner ended early. Bored senseless. In bed when you get here.//

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Re: Open Mic Night
2010-08-02 12:32 am UTC (link)
Rose checked the text, angling it so only she could see the screen.

"I would love that," she said, "but my roommate just texted to me to remind me I promised to help her dye her hair."

She smiled, warmly, lacking the craziness or predatory-ness she usually did when she smiled. "But thank-you, Brad. For everything."

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