The Morning After (open)(bendytimed back a little)
Last night hadn't gone exactly to plan, but it had been a wonderful night. The exhibit had been wonderful, dinner excellent and afterwards...Syd blushed at the thought. She had woke up this morning snuggled up next to a warm body and with a smile on her face.
She would have stayed in bed if she could, but an eight am meeting on the East Coast meant a five am meeting on the West Coast. Syd rolled out of bed at 4:30 and got dressed and caffeinated before her video conference with Mr. Stark. After the meeting she started a batch of blueberry muffins and scrambled up some eggs. Pancake batter was made and ready to be cooked when people filtered into the kitchen.
The residents and their guest would be waking up soon and it was best to be armed with food. She smiled at the thought of two dogs, a tiger and a kid jumping into bed with Avery.
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