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_tsunami_ ([info]_tsunami_) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-25 00:51:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, inactive - arthur dane drake, rufus drake, tsunami

Cait had yet to meet Arthur, but there were other things that needed to be done first. Namely call Twerp Major and inform him of the good news. Cait assumed the Professor would contact her parents, or at least she hoped he would. She didn't want to have to be the one to tell them that a dimensionally challenged kid showed up. Who was also the kid of Lorna and her Dad. That would go over really well.

Cait stuck to calling Twerp Major.

She sighed and picked up her cell.

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2010-07-26 08:23 pm UTC (link)
Arthur was really confused now on why they wanted him to stay. " Your not..what they call here bullies? are you? Cause I rather not feel pain until I've lasted a week. Please I mean you no harm," Arthur held up his hands, hoping they won't attack him cause bullies with powers are worst.

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2010-07-26 08:28 pm UTC (link)
"We're not bullies, but we have been called natural disasters and our dad's revenge on Uncle Scott. Don't worry. We won't hurt you. The Professor told me about you and I thought the three of us should meet you."

Cait gave him a reassuring smile.

"Our last name is Drake," Cait said. "Our father is Robert Drake. The one from this world."

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2010-07-26 08:31 pm UTC (link)
Okay, people from some realities apparently talk awkwardly. Unless he got it from the Magneto side. Corey tried not to speculate.

"Trust me, when it comes to causing trouble, we have a completely different metier than bullying. Nice to meet you, Arthur."

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2010-07-26 08:49 pm UTC (link)
“Yeah definitely a different kind of trouble than bullying,” Rufus says agreeing. Alternate Realities are very confusing.

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2010-07-26 09:23 pm UTC (link)
Arthur nodded and went back to searching for the paper and pen in the kitchen. "It's alright, you don't need to pity me. I already have a family, your father is not mine...So meeting him isn't necessary," he stopped and looked at the boys, " And your other methods of trouble does not reassure me,"

He stopped and sighed and then looked at Cait cause he knows she was trying to be nice but seriously he watched siblings get captured, killed and left behind. He didn't have that much feelings for other humans left. "I don't mean to be rude but, what exactly do you want from me? I promise I won't intrude in your family affairs, I still have family left in my dimension...So do you know where the pen and papers are?"

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2010-07-26 09:54 pm UTC (link)
"First of all, we don't pity you," she said. "We're curious about you. There's a big difference. We just wanted to meet you and get to know you a little bit. You could get to know us. We're not expecting anything outside of that."

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2010-07-26 10:12 pm UTC (link)
"I just can't help but see hidden motives. It's what I was trained to do. DOn't take it to any offense,"

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2010-07-27 02:34 am UTC (link)
"Second drawer on the left, under those cabinets." Corey indicates

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2010-07-27 02:36 am UTC (link)
Rufus just shrugged he was used to people thinking he was up to something. “So what do you want to write down,” He asked curiously.

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2010-07-27 03:05 am UTC (link)
"There's no hidden motives here, but you'll eventually see that. The Professor has probably already called our dad, so don't be surprised if he shows up and wants to talk to you."

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2010-07-27 03:38 am UTC (link)
Arthur went into the drawer and pulled out some paper and a pen in there. He began writing a note for the microwave, Rufus asked about it. "The note? It's...the rotten food in the microwave, it's killing it...or something," he looked down again and finished his note warning kids to check to see if the food is rotten first. At the back of the drawer he found tape, and he stuck the paper to the microwave.

"Let's hope people here listen, when a notes been put up," he smiled at them and then sat on the counter. Cait mentioned Robert stopping by and he starting shaking his head, " NO, NO, NO....nope, No. I cannot, I can't. I can't. I'm sorry I've watched him die once already I can't do this to myself. Especially when my sister's not here, I refuse," Arthur continued shaking his head even after he stopped talking.

"YOu guys are fine, I'll talk to you till the rest of eternity but seeing him again, false hope or even denial. I can't bare it," his eyes started watering up so he hopped off the counter and kept his back to them, so he could cry silently.

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2010-07-27 04:58 pm UTC (link)
"Okay, okay," Cait said and put her hands up. "I'll contact him and make sure he doesn't visit right now. But you will have to be prepared to see him at some point. My parents visit here regularly, especially around the Christian holidays."

If they were to visit during the Roman holidays they'd never leave. "Is there anything we can get or do for you? Help you settle in more and adjust to this world?"

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2010-07-27 07:49 pm UTC (link)
"Then I'll hide, I'll leave for the holidays. You don't know....I've been through alot. With him. At least wait until I'm ready please, long enough to suppress those memories," He stared at the floor, he closed his eyes hard trying not to remember the screams.

"He looked up at her, yeah you can help me. Can you please accompany me to the Fantastic Four. I need to travel back to get my sister. If you'd like to see what it's like you can come...just a thought,"

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2010-07-27 10:48 pm UTC (link)
“O-Kay, well if you ever want to meet dad he is really nice,” Rufus said. Yep alternate realities really are confusing.

Rufus couldn’t offer to take anyone anywhere for multiple reasons having to do with Uncle Scott.

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2010-07-28 03:23 am UTC (link)
"Can the FF's time stuff go totally sidewise like that?" Corey asked in general. "I think it's complicated, and they don't lend it out easy."

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2010-07-28 06:18 pm UTC (link)
Rufus' answered made Arthur feel like he was weird, but he didn't care, meeting his father was against the limits right now. " I'm sure he is," Arthur answered bluntly, he may of been from another galaxy but he knew an awkward situation when he saw one. Corey was quick to change the topic, smart guy.

"I don't intend to physically bring it here, they know how to work it so they'll help me. Hopefully Someone would accompany me..." he hinted again at the help of his siblings. " Beside, I'll just tell them Xavier says so. They'll do it then," he smiled.

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2010-07-28 06:26 pm UTC (link)
"It will take time," Cait said, "but when you're ready it can happen. We don't want to pressure you or anything."

"IF they have one. IF it works. And IF they'll agree to let you use it. The Professor has a lot of clout with others in the life, but it doesn't necessarily mean they'll say yes just because the Professor says so. It make take some time to get them agree to do it."

Cait sighed. Sure it had to be a difficult situation for Arthur, and all of them for that matter, but things had to be handled delicately. The guy couldn't just start issuing proclamations and orders with the Professor's name.

"I will help. I think Misha's one brother is dating a member of the Fantastic Four. Going through those channels may help your cause."

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2010-07-28 10:27 pm UTC (link)
'I thought Xavier was powerful name, I don't understand your universe very well. In my world a name is everything, it's power. YOu'll have to teach me," he said finally turning around to face them.

Your help will be much appreciated. I will do whatever it takes, we can leave when your ready,"

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2010-07-30 02:26 am UTC (link)
“Ah, sure though I don’t think I’d be very helpful,” Rufus said confused.

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2010-07-30 05:30 am UTC (link)
ARthur walked up to Rufus and patted his shoulder. "YOu never know until you try. I'll be wandering around," Arthur started walking away but stopped and looked back at Rufus, "Hey Rufus, want to show me the lab if you guys have one..where you make weapons or electronics?"

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2010-07-30 07:01 pm UTC (link)
"We don't make weapons," Cait said. "We do have a lab where people work with electronics."

Cait gave her new brother a small smile. "Just let us know if you need anything else."

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