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marlow ([info]marlow) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-23 02:15:00

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Current mood: sore
Entry tags:inactive - andy walters, inactive - dawn roberts, marlow, team - defenders

Sitting on the Beach (open to Defenders)
Marlow sat on a blanket on the private beach one morning not that long after the battle with Dormammu, staring out over the waves with her knees drawn up to her chest. She wore a button down shirt Sarah found for her, probably one of Griffin’s, over swimsuit bottoms. The wound she’d sustained from the Mindless Ones laser blasts was healing slowly. It made lifting her arms over her head hurt and pull on the healing flesh, so wearing her own tee shirts was out of the question for awhile.

She really wished she could heal herself. It was by far the worst thing that had happened to her up to now. Even with the odd magic boost, she couldn’t manage the most simple healing spell on herself.

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2010-07-31 06:24 am UTC (link)
He's never been asked that, outside of his mom, really. Most people didn't care enough about him to ask.

"Ya know, I don't think I could really stay in one place forever. I like seein' the world. Maybe I'd go to Greece, and if I could, go up to Olympus and see how it is." Titan says.

"Only other place I can think of is a place called the Savage Land. Heard about it from a friend of my Mom's. There's supposed to a lot of good fights there, and no one cares what you look like. Maybe I could find some people that don't mind hangin' with a big green lug." Titan says.

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2010-07-31 06:32 am UTC (link)
She grinned. "I was trying to get to the Savage Land when I ended up here. I don't know how I did it, but the spell went wrong. Instead of THE Savage Land, I ended up in A savage land. Los Angeles, Hollywood, it's pretty savage. The best place for demons to hide in the population."

Now she touched his shoulder. "I don't mind hanging out with you. If you want sometime, I'll try taking you there. Or somewhere else. I don't know the world very well, but I'm good with the beaches. I could try any place you want to see."

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2010-07-31 06:46 am UTC (link)
Titan visibly relaxes at the touch to his shoulder. He reclines somewhat, his hair spilling backward over his shoulder again.

"Yeah, this place is nuts. It's bright, loud, and full of fake people." Titan says. "But it's still a step up from New York. Here, at least, they didn't scream and run immediately when they saw me."

Titan is pretty sure he's getting the balance of the bad press from another Gamma-powered Goliath, but such is life, right?

"Ya know, seein' ya in the Savage Land would be fun. We'd have to bring a camera. They wear animal skins and stuff down there, but I think ya'd get by in yer swimsuit." he says.

"We could be the king and queen of the jungle." he jokes. "Yeah, we should do a world tour of the beaches here and give 'em grades."

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2010-07-31 07:00 am UTC (link)
She giggled at the mental image. "You would look great because it would suit you, but if you ever get me into an animal skin outfit, you better take a picture. I won't believe I did it later." She stretched out on the sofa behind him and gave in to the urge to touch his hair. "So we should do it soon. And the beaches. I'd like to show you my favorite one."

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2010-07-31 07:17 am UTC (link)
"I'm so askin' for a camera on my Christmas list." Titan smiles.

He relaxes even further as Marlow touches his hair. He'd missed it, and it had only been a few hours since she last did it, but it felt like forever to him.

"You free next weekend? We can go to your favorite beach, then check out some others. There's one in the Mediterranean I think you'd like." he says idly. "Black sand."

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2010-07-31 07:32 am UTC (link)
Black sand sounded like an adventure. "I'd love to. We'll do it. So far my favorite is a beach in Hawaii, but I'd love to find another favorite. Beaches are like ice cream and movies; there is always room for another one." His hair felt thick and cool between her fingers.

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2010-07-31 08:12 am UTC (link)
"So, we hit Hawaii first, then Greece...and then we pick a random place on the map and go." Titan agrees.

"I never thought of beaches like that, but it's a good idea." he says.

"What's your favorite island in Hawaii? Do you have one?" he asks.

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2010-07-31 08:42 am UTC (link)
"I don't have one yet. It's hard to choose, but I like the ones that aren't so filled with tourists. Though the big island has a black sand beach I haven't seen yet."

She moved his hair over his shoulder and observed that his ear was very green as well. It was an odd thing to think of, but she did and continued playing with his hair. The movie played on, but he was more interesting. "I usually go near night fall here and still have a few hours of sun there. The sunsets are beautiful."

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2010-07-31 08:57 am UTC (link)
"I'm definitely in if there are good sunsets." Titan says. "I usually have to go after nightfall anyway, so I don't get harassed or stared at. But with you around, the starin' will be for a good reason this time." he grins.

His muscles shift underneath his tattooed skin as he adjusts to let her have access to his hair. The movie is okay, but he's enjoying talking to Marlow.

"Besides the beach and movies...what else do you do for fun?" he asks, taking a drink of the iced tea. His eyes roll back at the taste.

"Perfect. You totally nailed it, Magic Babe." he compliments.

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2010-07-31 09:13 am UTC (link)
She nearly glowed with the compliment.

"I won't let anybody harass you," she promised. Her eyes were drawn to the play of muscles and focused on the tattoos. "I've only been here just over a year. Everything seems to be me catching up to the world so I have an idea of what to expect. Movies. Music. A few clubs. Games. I...go places and look around after hours by sending in an illusion. My illusions are good, but they weren't enough to get caught on surveillance. Now that they have substance, I don't know if I'll still be able to do that without getting caught."

She left his hair to touch the nearest bit of tattooed skin.

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2010-07-31 10:20 am UTC (link)
As Marlow touches the tattooed skin, she'll feel the heat from Titan's body and understand that he runs /much/ hotter than a normal person. He sighs deeply at the touch to his skin.

However, when she touches his skin, the shape of the tattoos rearrange and Marlow will be able to clearly read the black ink as though it is printed in her native language.

He who wears this mark is anathema to the Gods of Olympus and forced to wander for eternity. If he shall come near the holy mountain of Olympus, then he shall be struck down without warning or mercy.

The Destroyer shall not find peace.

Titan doesn't notice any of this, and keeps talking. "Thanks, Magic Babe. I won't let anyone bother you either. We should try that thing with your illusions again...make sure it still works like we saw." he suggests.

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2010-07-31 04:42 pm UTC (link)
Empathy and confusion filled her. It couldn't be right. She wouldn't believe Titan was a bad person. Andy either, even if she wasn't happy with the way he treated Titan. It had to be the gods. Her lessons about the various pantheons and why she should avoid them when possible told her they were a contentious lot all by themselves.

She rubbed at the marks as if trying to wipe them off his skin as a Marlow illusion appeared in front of Titan, exact in every detail including her expression of concern. "If you decide to go to Greece, I want to go with you."

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2010-07-31 06:54 pm UTC (link)
Oh, she noticed his tattoo. Titan doesn't fully know what it says, but he knows it means that he can never go to Olympus. That much was explained to him.

"Well, I don't go to Greece often, Marlow, but...I could show you some fun stuff, sure. There's lots of history and things to see. I think you'd like it." Titan says. He's sure she just wants to know a little bit more about where he's from; it doesn't occur to him at all that she can read his tattoo.

"I should show you my sword sometime, too. It's got some markings on it that you might be interested in, since it's all magic-like and stuff." Titan tells her.

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2010-07-31 11:49 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, I think I need to see your sword sometime," she agreed, still looking at the tattoo. "Promise me we'll go to Greece together?"

She realized that sounded bossy and tried to back track. "I've never been there and I'll need you to make sure I don't wander into a place where I might have to hurt people. That's your job."

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2010-08-01 12:02 am UTC (link)
Titan was struck by the earnestness of her request.

"You have my word, Marlow. The next time I go to Greece, you're comin' with me." Titan vows. As far he's concerned, it will happen.

"Yeah, people need to know you're with me in certain places, or Andy at the least. They may not mess with you that way...or they'll at least think about it before they do." he says.

"I could go get the sword if you wanna see it. No trouble at all." he says, relaxing against her, even as he reaches out to the illusion image to have her sit down with him.

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2010-08-01 12:18 am UTC (link)
"Later is good," she assured him. "It's movie night. We're having a nice time."

She watched her double sit down next to Titan. "You just like to have girls around, don't you?" she teased. It didn't bother her. Argo had behaved the same way and she liked him. She fully believed that one morning soon she would be counting the number of girls that exited Titan's and Andy's bungalow on her way to the beach.

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2010-08-01 02:23 am UTC (link)
"Correction: I like having a girl around. I'm not big on the whole havin' sex with as many girls as I can thing. My mom raised me better than that." Titan says.

"Lots of girls are nice to look at, sure. But I ain't gonna sleep with all of 'em. Besides, I don't wanna have a kid or anything I can't take care of." Titan says, a strange note creeping into his voice.

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2010-08-01 02:44 am UTC (link)
"You're smart. Lots of people don't think like that." She returned to stroking his hair. He seemed to like it and she didn't want to upset him. Not because he was a Hulk, but she didn't like to see her friend disturbed.

"And I don't think it counts as plural when the illusion is still me. Everything it says comes from me, and I see everything it sees. You touched it today and I felt it. It didn't."

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2010-08-01 02:56 am UTC (link)
He relaxes at the stroking of his hair again, thoughts of kids fading fast from his mind.

"You know, your illusions are cute...but I can tell they aren't quite you. Somethin' about you makes me smile real big." he says.

"I like bein' around you." he says.

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2010-08-01 03:33 am UTC (link)
She smiled and leaned forward enough to plant a kiss on his forehead. "I think the movie finished without us. I could restart it if you still want to watch with me."

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2010-08-01 06:05 am UTC (link)
"It's done already? Wow, short movie. But you did invite me over to watch movies, so yeah, let's watch." he says. The spot where she kissed his forehead is warm, and he can feel it spread through him.

"Thanks for invitin' me." he says.

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2010-08-01 07:17 am UTC (link)
She hit play on the remote and settled down again. "You're always invited."

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2010-08-01 07:25 am UTC (link)
"Then I'll always show up." he promises.

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2010-08-01 07:38 pm UTC (link)
Later, just as the end credits began, the illusion Marlow disappeared. The hand in his hair stilled, fingers tangled in the dark mass.

Marlow was peacefully asleep.

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2010-08-01 07:55 pm UTC (link)
Titan also falls asleep, letting Marlow remain as she is. He doesn't have the heart to wake her, and he'll see her tomorrow.

Sometime in the night, Andy slumps over to the floor, oblivious to the world as well.

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(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-02 09:57 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-03 03:57 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-03 04:00 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-03 04:02 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-03 04:15 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-03 04:35 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-03 04:38 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-03 05:28 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-03 05:34 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-04 01:13 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-04 01:29 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-04 01:34 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-04 01:46 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-04 01:47 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-04 01:56 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-04 02:48 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-04 03:04 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-04 03:16 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-04 03:19 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-04 03:45 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-04 04:00 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-05 01:23 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-05 01:47 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-05 02:50 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-05 03:08 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-05 03:12 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-05 03:37 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-05 03:51 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-05 04:21 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-07 02:46 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-07 03:08 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-07 03:21 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-07 03:28 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-07 04:29 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-07 04:54 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]gammagodling, 2010-08-07 05:26 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marlow, 2010-08-07 05:53 am UTC

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