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Andy Walters/Titan ([info]gammagodling) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Titan visibly relaxes at the touch to his shoulder. He reclines somewhat, his hair spilling backward over his shoulder again.

"Yeah, this place is nuts. It's bright, loud, and full of fake people." Titan says. "But it's still a step up from New York. Here, at least, they didn't scream and run immediately when they saw me."

Titan is pretty sure he's getting the balance of the bad press from another Gamma-powered Goliath, but such is life, right?

"Ya know, seein' ya in the Savage Land would be fun. We'd have to bring a camera. They wear animal skins and stuff down there, but I think ya'd get by in yer swimsuit." he says.

"We could be the king and queen of the jungle." he jokes. "Yeah, we should do a world tour of the beaches here and give 'em grades."

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