Happy Birthday!
The concept of celebrating birthdays was still a strange one to Svalin. In Asgard they knew what season they had been born and used it only to mark another year passing. Svalin had never celebrated a birthday or thought about doing it until her stay on Migard. Zoey had been the one to teach all the Asgardians about birthdays and had done a fine job at that. Though Svalin was still trying to figure out what clowns had to do with birthdays and how people could call themselves magicians when they couldn't perform any magic.
Regardless of her understanding or lack thereof, Svalin had been keeping track of the time they had spent on this adventures. By her calculations it was Vernique's birthday, give or take a day or two. While they had been waiting for Arthur, the Black Knight and others to assemble the troops, Svalin had enough time to do some work at the forges.
Once she had convinced one of the smiths, and by convinced she meant glower down at one until he moved, to let her use it for a few hours she started working on Vernique's gift. Now she knew Vernique liked dresses and other things women preferred, and while Svalin could patch holes in clothing, she could in no way make a dress so she opted for a dagger.
She fell into an easy rhythm at the forge and in short time she had an eight inch dagger completed. The edges were as sharp as Svalin could make them. The pommel, grip and guard were simple in design. Had she more time Svalin would have been able to do something fancier, but she didn't know when they would be riding to retake Camelot. Maybe when they were in a different time period and had a little time, Svalin would find something more appropriate to Vernique for a gift.
With new dagger in hand she went looking for her teammate friend.
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