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ng_independent ([info]ng_independent) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-21 01:30:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, griffen o'niell, guardian, inactive - aine gold, inactive - arthur dane drake, inactive - harry reynolds, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, inactive - swashbuckler, inactive - tech, inactive - valeria richards, jack murdock, luna maximoff, mason jeffries, plot-"death by snu snu!", sammy fury

Death! By Snu Snu!
The Empress was NOT happy. So far all of her plans have failed. The plan to grab female champions from Earth failed. The plan to grab guys and turn them into girls to use as her champions failed. The Empress had to come up with another plan. She had thought long and hard on it and eventually came up with something.

"Set A corSE to EARth!" she commanded. She would not be stopped this time. The plan was fail proof.

The Empress selected candidates as the ship made its way toward Earth. By the time they arrived, she had a list. One by one the names on the list were collected and put in the proper chambers.

When they wake up they will see a recording of the Empress addressing them.

"Greetings! Welcome to the service of...ME. Each of you will be expected to do your duty and proCREATE with the feMALE in the ROOM with you."

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2010-07-26 02:09 am UTC (link)
Steve ducked behind cover and returned fire with his stolen weapon.

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2010-07-26 02:13 am UTC (link)
James came out of the room behind a few guards. They were firing on Steve. Anya would never forgive him if he let something happen to her boyfriend.

James ran a step or two and then leapt at the guards, hoping to knock two of them down.

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2010-07-26 02:15 am UTC (link)
"I'd give this sheet for my clubs," Jack said, frustrated as he tried to make himself the smallest target possible. He waited for a lull and leaped at the nearest guard.

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2010-07-26 02:28 am UTC (link)
The other Jack busies himself firing web blasts at the guards, trying to put them further off balance, snagging what weapons he can.

"I don't understand why all the fuss over this sex business, but I want nothing to do with it!"

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2010-07-26 02:33 am UTC (link)
Joey notes the oil on the ground and has an idea, but he doesn't want to hurt the guy over there fighting down the guards.

"Hey, get clear man!" Joey yells.

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2010-07-26 02:36 am UTC (link)
Tech does not like being shot at or chased, hasn't liked it since he was sixteen. He thought that was over since he'd started working with SHIELD, but the frequency of the such has only increased since then.

"Someone toss me a weapon, please? I think we're all victims of an unfortunate misunderstanding, and the sooner we find the escape pods, the better!" Tech yells.

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2010-07-26 03:59 am UTC (link)
James knocked two of the guards over and went for a third. "Don't hurt them if possible!" he yelled to the guy that had spoken.

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2010-07-26 07:07 am UTC (link)
Oil on the floor, what the hell?

Barefoot, Jack slid right into the guard and managed to take her and the one next to her down. He ripped off a long end of the sheet and quickly tied them together.

"How do we get out of here!?"

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2010-07-26 04:54 pm UTC (link)
"We're superheroes. Generally we punch, blast, transmutate, network hack, or do some other kinda violence or science to the bad guys until they stop being a problem."

Mason destabilizes the flooring underneath the guards, hoping to drop them down another floor so they, the aforementioned good guys, can regroup.

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2010-07-26 09:02 pm UTC (link)
"Uh, James?" Steve said, "they're kind of trying to capture us so they can harvest our DNA and make us love slaves. I'm not that concerned about them right now."

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2010-07-26 10:31 pm UTC (link)
Jack tightened the knots on his two and tore off another sheet strip for the next. "I agree we don't hurt them if we can help it, but it's a big no to the sex slave gig. Tell your gung ho guy that heroes don't have to blast their way out of everything, Steve. Seeing as how we're on in space and all."

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2010-07-27 02:06 am UTC (link)
"All I'm sayin' is that if I gotta choose between them and us, I choose us." Joey says.

He throws a fireball in the direction of the guards to keep their heads down.

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2010-07-27 02:16 am UTC (link)
"Hey! Captain Molecular!" Steve shouted. "We're in space! Might want to be careful."

He laid down some covering fire. "Let's have a nice, orderly retreat people!"

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2010-07-27 03:11 am UTC (link)
The guards listened to orders in their earbuds and then they all put small masks over their mouths and noses. A moment later knockout gas started pouring from the ventilation shafts.

The oil on the floor was ignited by the fireball and started to burn.

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