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ng_independent ([info]ng_independent) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-21 01:30:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, griffen o'niell, guardian, inactive - aine gold, inactive - arthur dane drake, inactive - harry reynolds, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, inactive - swashbuckler, inactive - tech, inactive - valeria richards, jack murdock, luna maximoff, mason jeffries, plot-"death by snu snu!", sammy fury

Death! By Snu Snu!
The Empress was NOT happy. So far all of her plans have failed. The plan to grab female champions from Earth failed. The plan to grab guys and turn them into girls to use as her champions failed. The Empress had to come up with another plan. She had thought long and hard on it and eventually came up with something.

"Set A corSE to EARth!" she commanded. She would not be stopped this time. The plan was fail proof.

The Empress selected candidates as the ship made its way toward Earth. By the time they arrived, she had a list. One by one the names on the list were collected and put in the proper chambers.

When they wake up they will see a recording of the Empress addressing them.

"Greetings! Welcome to the service of...ME. Each of you will be expected to do your duty and proCREATE with the feMALE in the ROOM with you."

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2010-07-21 07:58 pm UTC (link)
She giggled and played with her hair, She stood in her slutty bunny outfit. "Silly boy, you know we're not going anywhere. Now take off your clothes, The Empress is waiting," She began taking of her bunny ears seductively.

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2010-07-21 08:01 pm UTC (link)
James' eyes went wide. "Oh no. I can't do /that/! I have a girlfriend and...." James had to get out of here now. He bolted for the door only to find it locked.

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2010-07-21 08:05 pm UTC (link)
"hehehe," she giggled again, "Your cute, but I see no girlfriend here. Besides...your not going anywhere, anytime soon. So sit down baby," she walked up to him and put her chin on his shoulder rubbing his back, "I promise to make it fun,"

She smiled at him and started playing with his hair.

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2010-07-21 08:16 pm UTC (link)
"ARGH!" James exclaimed and ducked under her touch. He moved behind her and as far away as possible. "I love my girlfriend and I won't cheat on her." He frantically searched the room looking for a way out.

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2010-07-21 08:22 pm UTC (link)
"Stop resisting, I just want your love...and besides, there's no girlfriend up here. A secret between us," she walked towards him as she spoke, "You'll never see your girlfriend again, so you have no choice...have sex with me, I need you, I want you. There will be no one else for a long time,and even then it won't be your girlfriend let's just enjoy this...here," she walked even closer and tried to grab at his pants.

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2010-07-21 08:28 pm UTC (link)
James bolted away from her to the other side of the room. "No. Really. I can't do this."

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2010-07-21 08:32 pm UTC (link)
The girls sighed and dropped on the bed. " I didn't want to tell you this but...we called your girlfriend, we couldn't have anyone looking for you. We know a fella who can change his voice to sound like you. We cut off all connections, no one is looking for you. You'll be lost forever. And if she comes looking she will be killed, I'm trying to save you and her... I dont want anyone hurt..." She sulked on the bed.

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2010-07-21 08:46 pm UTC (link)
"You're lying," he said. "She would never fall for that. She's a genius. Not to mention my family would never buy it."

James saw an air vent near the ceiling and wondered if it was big enough to crawl through.

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2010-07-21 08:59 pm UTC (link)
" YOu have no idea what we told her and with our master of voices he knew what to say. Genius or not, she is a woman. We don't need her to think you went away for long, just enough time for us to be lost in space. No escape as I told you," She fiddled with her bunny ears.

"I'm trying to help too...I don't know what the Empress will do to us if she doesn't have what she asked for. She studied you all, she knows how to make you suffer. Your girlfriend would never know anyway. Please cooperate, I don't want to die," she started tearing up.

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2010-07-21 09:11 pm UTC (link)
James wasn't buying it. Val would never believe it. He knew she wouldn't. "I'll make sure you won't die, but I can't do /that/ with you." James grabbed the nearest chair and moved it under the vent.

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2010-07-21 09:36 pm UTC (link)
The girl frowned and crossed her arms, she thought she was a good actor but he just refused to believe this girl would do that. He is so whiny and weird. " I doubt you can save me against The Empress, I hope this bitch is worth it,"

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2010-07-22 02:33 am UTC (link)
James shrugged and removed the cover to the vent. He doubted that the Empress would kill her staff. He had dealt with her before and she didn't seem the type for senseless killing.

Once the cover was off, James climbed up and into the vent.

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2010-07-22 05:40 pm UTC (link)
"That's a smart idea," she said, "Except if I tell the empress to turn the really or really old air on, so let's say you come back here baby. I promise I won't tell," she reached in and grabbed his foot.

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2010-07-22 06:34 pm UTC (link)
James shook his foot hoping to break her hold. When she didn't release him, he used his other foot to kick at her hand.

"Let go of me!" he yelled.

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2010-07-23 02:41 am UTC (link)
"AHHHH!!" She yelled a high pitched scream when his foot kicked her hand, "YOU bruised me," she wimpered. She sat on the bed and sucked her finger, then he got up and picked up the cover to the vent and startign slamming it on the vent. "How does that feel baby? Are your ears bleeding?" she banged a few more and then closed the vent. Stay in there. Then she ehard the doors unlock.

"Uh oh," she said, "sounds like the air's coming on. You better hurry," she stood in front of the vent to block the light and crossed her arms when she saw a boy from one of the cells on the screens. The empress is not gonna like this, she thought.

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2010-07-24 05:34 pm UTC (link)
James ignored her and kept on crawling through the vent. He came to another vent and pushed it open and then dropped out into another room.

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