Entry tags: | anya stark, griffen o'niell, guardian, inactive - aine gold, inactive - arthur dane drake, inactive - harry reynolds, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, inactive - swashbuckler, inactive - tech, inactive - valeria richards, jack murdock, luna maximoff, mason jeffries, plot-"death by snu snu!", sammy fury |
Death! By Snu Snu!
The Empress was NOT happy. So far all of her plans have failed. The plan to grab female champions from Earth failed. The plan to grab guys and turn them into girls to use as her champions failed. The Empress had to come up with another plan. She had thought long and hard on it and eventually came up with something.
"Set A corSE to EARth!" she commanded. She would not be stopped this time. The plan was fail proof.
The Empress selected candidates as the ship made its way toward Earth. By the time they arrived, she had a list. One by one the names on the list were collected and put in the proper chambers.
When they wake up they will see a recording of the Empress addressing them.
"Greetings! Welcome to the service of...ME. Each of you will be expected to do your duty and proCREATE with the feMALE in the ROOM with you."
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