It isn't a party until someone bleeds.
Portals, teleportation spells and ways are useful but when it comes to getting down to a suspicious club in the darker neighborhoods of Chicago, SUV was more efficient. It would also trigger fewer magical sensors so if Vitae was tuned to such things, arriving by car would give them a few moments advantage over the shadowy figures suspected to be murderers for Dracula.
Shelly couldn't help but think of Charlie Manson as she turned the last corner and parked her SUV in the darkness down the street from the club. A maniacal leader, brainwashed followers carrying out horrific deeds for master.
"Okay. Yeah. This place gives me the creeps. Let's go see if we can get in. The website said it was a private club, right? Most of those are pretty strict. There's this place, The Mercury in Seattle...definitely not stranger friendly. Grab your equipment folks."
Shelly herself took a deep breath and said a few quick prayers to the loa before getting out of the car and heading up to the door. There was a guard there, pale and creepy looking as all of the rest of the cultists they'd encountered had been but instead of stopping them, the man smiled darkly and opened the door without a word. In fact no words were exchanged at all, just that creepy smile.
Shelly's blood ran cold. This...wasn't good.
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