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nextgen_parent ([info]nextgen_parent) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-18 14:06:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, birthday, david roberts, inactive - ellie rasputin, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, misha loganovich, npc - logan, tsunami

David's Birthday
Given the events of the last few months, Logan didn't push for a party or even try to roust David and drag him out to dinner. He left a note in David's room that dinner at his favorite place would be entirely doable that evening if he felt up to it.

Also, David should check out the garage bay next to Logan's.

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2010-07-18 10:33 pm UTC (link)
David had been very puzzled as he usually was when it came to gifts. He had finally finished putting the bike together from last year just a few months ago. He was still learning the ins and outs of automotives which honestly, he loved all of it.

So David had to wonder if maybe there were things at the shop he might like. He ended up grabbing food on his way to the garage. Munching away on an apple while letting a freshly toasted bagel with cream cheese rest in the other hand. He peered then had to catch the bagel because he did in fact loose the apple. "Holy cow."

He will be fighting to not bounce right out of his shoes.

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