The black strapless dress fit just right and Sydney looked at her reflection in the full length mirror. The clock showed 5:45. Nervousness gripped Sydney as she turned to look at her side and back. The dress had been a spur of the moment purchase during a shopping trip and now Syd was glad she had made it. She had bought it for a date with Simon, but now it was being used for a date with Avery. How fast things changed.
Syd put on a little makeup just to shake things up. She didn't normally wear it, but this was a formal date after all. With Avery. If she was moving on from Simon, she was going to do it right. Was she moving on? Had Simon already moved on? She hadn't seen him and she wasn't going to go out of her way to see him either.
Syd wiped her sweaty palms off on the side of her dress and then chided herself for doing it. Oh man was she nervous. She couldn't remember the last time she was this nervous. It was just a date. Right?
Syd slipped her feet into a pair of black heels and took a deep breath. She could do this. One last glance in the mirror and another deep breath.
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