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Adrian Carver ([info]ministryoftruth) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-09 07:58:00

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Entry tags:inactive - adrian carver, npc - emma frost, plot-"family secrets"

The Meeting
"...No, you need to have Emma Frost call me back at her earliest convenience, which should be before my show tomorrow night. I assure you, she'd like to speak to me." Adrian Carver is telling the receptionist at the other end of the phone. These people had tried to give him the runaround for the last several days, and he was tired of it. After everything he'd seen in Fargo, he was tired of a lot of things.

Mutants were starting to get out of control again, and they had to be dealt with. Many people in government circles were coming up with ideas to do that, and he was sitting on a major announcement that he'd break on his show tonight. Meanwhile, though, he had another story that was about become front page news if Emma Frost decided to ignore him.

"Thank you, tell her I'll be awaiting her call." Adrian says, sitting back at his desk.

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2010-07-09 01:57 pm UTC (link)
Emma looked at her receptionist with a particular amount of disdain and irritation. "The little pissant called again? He is very much about to make me look into creative outlets with which to end his career."

There was a good bit on Emma's mind and frankly none of it involved Adrian Carver and his bigoted leanings and warped truths. However, since he insisted upon calling a stupid number of times she decided to humor him. One phone call and then he'd be off her ass and back to the mindless little box he belonged in.

She took the number, dialed her phone, and sat back and waited for the irritant to answer.

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2010-07-09 02:55 pm UTC (link)
The phone is answered quickly.

"Miss Frost, this Adrian Carver. Glad we could finally talk. I have a story coming up that I think will interest you for several reasons. Not the least of which involves your daughter, Christina.

I thought you might like to know." Adrian says off-handedly.

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2010-07-09 03:15 pm UTC (link)
"What about my daughter Christina?" If this was some tabloid stunt, several people were going to be vegetables by end of business.

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2010-07-09 03:31 pm UTC (link)
"This isn't something we should discuss over the phone, Miss Frost. Sensitive info and all. Can you meet with me today?" Adrian asks.

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2010-07-09 03:34 pm UTC (link)
"Fine. My offices, an hour from now. And if this is a stunt, Mr. Carver, your career is over."

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2010-07-09 04:00 pm UTC (link)
Adrian smiles to himself. "Your confidence is admirable." he says, before the line goes dead.

He's heard that threat before.

He is early for the meeting at Emma's office, and has his briefcase ready when he's called on.

"You look lovely, Miss Frost."Adrian says.

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2010-07-09 04:04 pm UTC (link)
He's likely never wrangled with a Frost before, something that becomes very clear when the line goes dead. Already treading on her less than hospitable side, the face that greets Adrian is composed but stony as he enters his office.

"You have unsettled my day, Mr. Carver. I hope that you can make your business expedient." She gestures for him to have a seat.

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2010-07-09 04:24 pm UTC (link)
"All right. Do you know a man by the name of Benedict Kine?" Adrian asks. He opens the briefcase and produces a photo.

"He's rather well connected among the rank-and-file of New York and throws some lavish parties several times a month. He is also know have some...less well-know parties. He's very well-off."

"I've been working on this story for over two years now, and there are a lot of people who stand to lose clout if I go public." Adrian tells her.

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2010-07-09 04:28 pm UTC (link)
"I know Benedict Kine personally, Mr. Carver. I can't say that I am particularly fond of him."

Did Julian send this man? Emma crossed her arms over her chest.

"What of him?"

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2010-07-09 04:46 pm UTC (link)
"Things happen at Kine's parties, Miss Frost. These aren't just meet and greets. Mr. Kine is known for having tastes that run into the deviant. He's also rumored to offer guests of his parties all manner illicit services for a price." Adrian tells her.

He produces a picture now of several young women making the acquaintance of luminaries of New York.

"However, if one pays with the right kind of currency, he's got a special service he provides." Adrian reveals.

The picture he shows now includes Emma's daughter Christina in the company of several older men. The date shows this was taken three years ago.

Adrian waits for a reaction.

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2010-07-09 05:02 pm UTC (link)
Emma was annoyed. Kine's parties weren't any worse than those she and Shaw threw once upon a time.

And then she saw the picture. Christina, dressed in an unspeakable manner, being touched in unspeakable ways. Her eyes looked dead. Emma"s own face twisted a little.

"What in the Hell is this? Where did you get this?"

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2010-07-09 05:13 pm UTC (link)
"I don't reveal my sources, but I guarantee that Kine has more. Blackmail material, most likely. Are you saying you had no knowledge, Miss Frost?" Adrian asks. He hadn't considered she wouldn't know.

"Your daughter has been present at many of these parties. Kine charged favors for her services, and projects he backed went through. I have reason to believe he's working with or for someone else, but my sources didn't turn up much else." he says.

"Three of the women in these pictures turned up dead over the last three months. They were beaten, among other things." he says, providing autopsy reports.

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2010-07-09 05:38 pm UTC (link)
"My daughter was fucking men three times her age! Of course I didn't know!" Emma threw the photos down, sick at her stomach over the things she was seeing. The autopsy reports chilled her. Kine was killing the girls from his escapades. Horrifically.

Emma knew who was behind this. Or at least she suspected, but her mind was so locked down and her jaw followed suit.

"You can't take this story public. It directly endangers my daughter's life. I need a few days to secure her safety before this blows. And my daughter will NOT be mentioned. Are we clear?"

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2010-07-09 06:11 pm UTC (link)
"Well, Miss Frost...whether or not this story goes public remains to be seen. I don't want to ruin her life, or her relationship with that young man she's been seeing.

However, this is news.

However, if you're willing to give me consideration for certain breaking news items from now on, I'd be willing to turn over the information I've gathered, minus my sources." Adrian offers.

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2010-07-09 06:17 pm UTC (link)
"I don't play with children who make vague threats. Tell me exactly what it is you want, Mr. Carver."

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2010-07-09 06:28 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, then I'll be blunt. I want to be the first in the know on Frost Industries acquisitions, as well as information on the people in these pictures.

Info on the Massachusetts Academy would be helpful as well. Give me a bigger story to go after." Adrian says.

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2010-07-09 06:34 pm UTC (link)
"Fine. There are no acquisitions in the works at the moment and the only news out of the Academy is that we are not having summer courses due to the construction of a new library wing. Very little happens in the summer, Mr. Carver but I will keep you abreast of developments.

Now are we agreed that this stays silent?"

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2010-07-09 07:10 pm UTC (link)
"Just one more thing. You run in some very well-placed circles. I'd like access to that circle. Never know where a story might crop up.

Provide me with these things, and Christina's story never goes public." Adrian says.

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2010-07-09 09:00 pm UTC (link)
"I'll be sure let you know what the next selection we'll be reading in my billionaire's book club, Mr. Carver," Emma said dryly. "Perhaps I can even get you an invite. It's an elite social group but perhaps you'll be able to fit in. For the moment that is the top of what I can do."

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2010-07-09 11:24 pm UTC (link)
"Cute, Emma. Very cute. I'll be in touch." Carver says, rising from his chair.

"Keep the photos and the briefcase. Neither are mine. I guarantee that kine has the originals and other stuff pertaining to your daughter. I'd get her out of town tonight, if he's killing anyone who knows what he can do. Don't put it past any of the people he's worked with, too." Adrian says as he walks out of the room.

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2010-07-10 02:32 am UTC (link)
Emma sat and looked over the briefcase and its contents for several minutes after Adrian left and with each second grew more disgusted. As the rage fully settled in her gut Emma decided to make two phone calls. The first was to Christina's boyfriend, Justin as she instructed him that now would be a perfect time to take Tina out of the city for some R&R...and to drag her if he had to. She gave no explanation, no anything. Just an order, though her tone was grave enough that it would be obvious she meant business.

The second call was to Julian Howard.

"I'm in. You have my backing." She looked at the photos. "I'm sending you some documents. Once you see them you will understand my one request...I want Benedict Kine dead."

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