The Meeting
"...No, you need to have Emma Frost call me back at her earliest convenience, which should be before my show tomorrow night. I assure you, she'd like to speak to me." Adrian Carver is telling the receptionist at the other end of the phone. These people had tried to give him the runaround for the last several days, and he was tired of it. After everything he'd seen in Fargo, he was tired of a lot of things.
Mutants were starting to get out of control again, and they had to be dealt with. Many people in government circles were coming up with ideas to do that, and he was sitting on a major announcement that he'd break on his show tonight. Meanwhile, though, he had another story that was about become front page news if Emma Frost decided to ignore him.
"Thank you, tell her I'll be awaiting her call." Adrian says, sitting back at his desk.
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