Enter Dormammu!
It had taken time, but Dormammu was a patient being. He had carefully planned all of this out and all of those plans were about to come to fruition. Various items had to be gathered and once he had them all, they had to be forged into one item. It would be the ultimate weapon and his agent would enter the realm of Earth with it and lay waste to all before him.
Dormammu would make his entrance into the mortal realm and finally defeat the cursed Sorcerer Supreme and his rule over the mortal realm would begin. Umar had been defeated, Dormammu released from his prison and the Octet was tipped in favor of Krakken and Cyttorak. Dormammu had the Kestrel Key and the Crystal Ruby of Cyttorak and could call upon the powers of Krakken and Cyttorak.
Balor, armed with a weapon forged from the Soul Sword, the Twilight Sword and the Kestrel Key and forged in the Flames of the Faltine, went forth into the mortal realm. The tear in reality he created sent ripples of magic throughout the world. those sensitive to magic would sense the disturbance. Balor stepped into the mortal realm in a location known as Los Angeles. Fitting that demonic beings would begin their conquest of the world in a place called The City of Angels.
The portal was now opened and Dormammu made his entrance into the mortal realm.
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