Never Anything Good On
Andrea, to the untrained and unfamiliar eye, seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time watching television. And it was true that she enjoyed television very much and did spent a lot of time watching it. What this ignored, however, was her ability to multitask and process different strands simultaneously.
At this moment, for example, she was watching the news, using approximately 30% of her processing power to pay attention to it. A full 40% of her processing power was devoted to her on-line education classes, including a portion devoted to research for an assignment. A surprising 20% of her processing power was being devoted to Vincent, including several recursive strings that she did not fully understand and that had, in fact, begun to worry her to the point where she should likely ask Kristoff to run a deeper-diagnostic. And the remaining 10% was devoted to basic systems funcationality.
All of which basically meant she could split her attention several ways without the loss of performance that an ordinary human might have.
Even still, it was several moments before the TV-watching strand connected with other parts of her processor, signaling a high-priority alarm. She redistributed her processing power to give her complete attention to the television.
"....amateur video from the random attacks on the Fantastic Four showcasing "Awesome" Andrea of the young Fantastic Four fighting the criminal know as the Thinker. "Awesome" Andrea, also known as Andrea Denker, appears unusually effected by a localized electromagnetic pulse and then..."
The video continues, showing Andrea being decapitated (she shuddered at that memory), leaving a shower of sparks, circuits, and wires.
"This raises serious questions about the most mysterious and least-known member of the Fantastic Four. Their public relations officer declined to comment when questioned earlier this week..."
Andrea's processing faculties largely failed to notice just how tightly she was gripping the arm of the couch.
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