Gathering of Powers
Julian Howard has made the phone calls requesting the company of both Emma Frost and Roberto DaCosta in New Jersey tonight convenience to discuss matters of mutual importance. The meeting place is a renovated club he's just purchased that will reopen in four weeks under the name of The Violet Room. After long months of waiting, watching and planning, Julian is ready to begin moving in on his primary goal. All that was necessary now was to gather the necessary support to secure his victory. Every last one of the people he is dealing with is dangerous and a manipulator of the highest order. They've all been at this since before he was born, and continued up this point. Besides his own intellect, prestige and power, the only thing Julian can really count on is that he was taught this game of thrones by the only person with more experience than all of them.
The food and drink is hot and waiting, though he doubts they'll partake; still, effort must be made. When Emma and Roberto arrive, they are ushered in through what will be the V.I.P entrance and escorted across the expansive dance floor to. The meeting is here, rather than at X-Factor Tower or even the Popular Outcast because Julian wants to keep this business separate and secret from his other dealings. As they Julian rises and moves offers and comes around the table.
"Miss Frost, Mister DaCosta, thank you for taking the time to meet with me. Food and drink are available if you like, and I apologize for asking you to come out of town, but I'd like to keep prying eyes out of our business, so to speak. Please, take a moment for refreshment and have a seat. I'll begin when you're both ready." Julian says, gesturing at the onyx marble desk at the head of the room. A chair is provided for each of them, though Julian pulls one of them back a little further for Emma.
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