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neogoblin ([info]neogoblin) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-03 09:06:00

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Entry tags:inactive - jay macendale

Gone Hunting
The same morning Jay's room is found mysteriously cleaned and packed upand said man nowhere to be found at all, a note is found down in the Thunderbolts' Lab. The Hobgoblin figured that'd be the most likely place the team's leader would find it. There's also a small bottle containing three blue and orange pills. Goblin Pills.

Hey, BossLady,

There's been a small family issue I need to take care of. Don't know when I'll be back so if I don't see ya again...It's been fun. It was nice having people to watch my back again. There's a little gift for you too. Use 'em careful though. Anyone needs an hour of superpowers or an hour's worth of healing factor, just pop one and enjoy.


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2010-07-03 02:09 pm UTC (link)
Anya found the note and hoped that the issue wasn't too serious. She liked Jay and didn't want to see anything bad happen to him.

She went to tell the others.

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