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Natasha Romanova ([info]redheadspy) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-07-04 18:26:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, lady devil, misha loganovich, npc - black widow, npc - wolverine

Waking Up
Natasha tried to open her eyes, but her eyelids felt like they were made of lead instead of skin. She managed to open them for a second before they fell close again. Another try and this time they remained opened for three seconds. Yet another try and she managed to keep them open for longer.

She groaned. The last things she remembered were Tony hoisting her over his shoulder and her laughing. Then pain, heat and blackness. What the hell happened? Where was she? Where was Tony?

Her eyes opened again and she blinked a few times. The brightness hurt a little and everything was a little out of focus and blurry. She blinked a few more times.

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2009-07-11 05:35 pm UTC (link)
Natasha managed a small smile. "We have the Avengers, both teams, around us so we are well protected. Maybe even better than you." She gave the Guard a wink. A little team rivalry was always good. "Speaking of Mother Russia, how are things? They find you a potential wife yet?"

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2009-07-11 06:03 pm UTC (link)
"They try, but I have told them all I need more than an arranged lunch to make a decision. When they give me time, I will make a choice. Perhaps Misha will marry soon and save me the trouble."

Mikhail had been briefed about his new family's differences, and his aunt had been open about the Avengers and her son's mutant status. Far from considering it all a scandal, he was peasant enough to appreciate the position of power it gave the Romanov family. The great minds and strengths as well as the various connections that came with Natalia and her children were incredible assets.

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2009-07-12 01:33 pm UTC (link)
"You're out of luck. I don't think he's going to get married anytime soon." Not that she blamed her son at all. It had taken her only 50 years to marry for the second time and Misha could afford to wait. The kid would live quite a long time.

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2009-07-12 01:48 pm UTC (link)
"Is there anything I can do for you?"

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2009-07-12 06:32 am UTC (link)
"Know anyone with healing powers?" Natasha asked not entirely joking.

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2009-07-12 06:55 am UTC (link)
He looked confused for a moment. "I will ask the Guard if there is a healer among their ranks. There is business to be discussed with Anthony's proxy at Stark Inc. Ms. Potts has proven to be difficult to reach, although I see why now. I will also extend my stay here in New York and visit the West Coast later. An invitation for a charity event was extended to me, and to Misha I believe, at the Playboy Mansion. Of course, we will not attend at this time."

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2009-07-12 07:03 am UTC (link)
"They don't," she assured him. "Unless they have recruited new members." Yes, Tasha keeps track of these things. "Pepper hasn't been in here since the first day. She runs the company when Tony's not around. Her and James Rhodes. Let me know if you can't reach her." Of course Natasha has Pepper's private number. It was a necessity when one was Tony's wife. Pepper was his "work wife" after all.

"There's no need for you to interrupt your plans. Do what needs to be done."

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2009-07-12 07:40 am UTC (link)
"If you would have her contact me, I would most appreciate it. It is not the first invitation, and it will not be the last. I may still attend the event, but Misha is needed here with you."

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2009-07-12 07:48 am UTC (link)
"Is something going on?" Natasha asked. Suspicious? You bet she was. It wasn't like Pepper to be unavailable when it came to stuff with Stark Inc. Natasha hadn't really had the time or chance to go through the daily bulletins despite being in S.H.I.E.L.D. Central.

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2009-07-12 07:50 am UTC (link)
"My apologies, this is not an appropriate time to speak of it," Mikhail said slowly, realizing his mistake in mentioning it now. He thought his aunt knew, but she appeared to be unaware of the shift in Stark Inc. "The facilities Anthony established in Russia are helping our economy tremendously, and the government wishes to protect the jobs they created."

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2009-07-12 07:52 am UTC (link)
"Tell me what's happening," Natasha said. She wouldn't be surprised if something was going on. Tony was incapacitated and it would be the perfect time for an enemy or a rival to strike.

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2009-07-12 07:57 am UTC (link)
It was an uncomfortable position, but Mikhail knew the news should not come from him. He had limited knowledge, only what had been the news releases.

"You should speak to Ms. Potts or Mr. Rhodes. All I know is what has been reported, and the media is reporting that Stark Inc. is now under another's control."

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2009-07-12 07:58 am UTC (link)
"I think I need to talk to my daughter. Apparently she's keeping secrets," Natasha said with a frown. "Thank you."

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2009-07-12 08:02 am UTC (link)
"You have other, important concerns, Natalia. Your well being and that of your husband."

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2009-07-12 08:04 am UTC (link)
"I am fine and we can't let Tony wake to find out the company's gone. That will...he'll try to push himself too fast too soon." A connection was made. "I need to let Nick know. This may be tied to the bombing."

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2009-07-12 08:13 am UTC (link)
"Whatever service I can provide, you will tell me?"

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2009-07-12 08:14 am UTC (link)
She gave him a small smile. "I will let you know if there's anything you can do. Thank you, Mikhail."

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2009-07-12 08:15 am UTC (link)
He returned her smile. "I also offer the services of the Winter Guard to assist the royal family. Given the slur you offered earlier, they may want a chance to redeem their reputation."

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2009-07-12 08:19 am UTC (link)
"They are needed right where they are. Protecting you. Mother Russia cannot go through another leadership change." Not to mention Natasha didn't want the headache of running a country. One month or so was enough for her. "Your life is the most important right now."

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2009-07-12 08:38 am UTC (link)
It was a headache, but he never considered abdicating. He knew his duty. "I never knew I had family until the Commission contacted me. Whatever I can do to help, I will do it."

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2009-07-12 08:39 am UTC (link)
"I appreciate that. Though it may be best you keep some distance between this and yourself. These things tend to get messy."

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2009-07-12 08:45 am UTC (link)
He made a dismissive gesture. "We are Russian. We thrive on conflict. I will support my family."

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2009-07-12 08:48 am UTC (link)
She couldn't help but to smile. "Yes, we do thrive on conflict. Which is why some of us are Avengers."

"Where are you staying while you are here?"

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2009-07-12 09:02 am UTC (link)
"The consolate. They are delighted to be disturbed by my earlier-than-expected visit." Of course they weren't, but what could they do?

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2009-07-12 09:10 am UTC (link)
She nodded. "Good. S.H.I.E.L.D. will be providing extra security. We don't know if this attack was directed at Tony or me. You could be a target."

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(no subject) - [info]nextgen_russia, 2009-07-12 09:18 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]redheadspy, 2009-07-12 09:21 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]nextgen_russia, 2009-07-12 09:55 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]redheadspy, 2009-07-12 10:00 am UTC

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