Downtown Ottawa
"We are standing here at 207 Bank Street outside the US Embassy in Ottawa where it appears that Alpha Flight, Canada's premier superhero team is attacking. Large sections of the building are being destroyed and even nature itself appears to be attacking as the winds have picked up and large chunks of hail are breaking windows. A member of Alpha Flight zoomed into the building and appeared on the roof with the ambassador. A moment later the member dropped the ambassador and he fell to the pavement below.
Police are on the scene, but are unable to stop Alpha Flight. Police cars and officers have been thrown around and it doesn't appear anything or anyone is going to be able to stop this apparent rampage by Alpha Flight. What has caused Alpha Flight to do this? Why are they doing this? There are too many questions to be answered at this moment.
Wait a minute. What's this? It now appears that the damage is done and lives have been lost, Alpha Flight is leaving the scene. The police aren't giving chase at the moment, but this reporter is sure that the military will apprehend Alpha Flight at some point."
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