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nextgen_parent ([info]nextgen_parent) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-23 01:58:00

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Entry tags:inactive - grace danvers, npc - wonder man, sydney ashcroft

So You're Back From Outer Space
It felt good to be back on Earth again, but Simon had some mixed feelings about coming back home. He felt like a heel with the way he left. At Grace's graduation no less. His daughter had graduated from high school and he couldn't even stay for the whole thing. There were probably a dozen angry voicemails from Carol on his cell phone and another dozen from Sydney. Though he did deserve every single angry voicemail. That much he would admit to.

He managed to get inside the main building and to the door of Grace's room without anyone stopping him. He didn't even see any sign of Sydney or the godlings. Normally he would think it werid, but today he was thankful he didn't see any of them. he wanted to talk to Grace before anyone else.

He knocked on Grace's door.

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2010-06-23 04:36 am UTC (link)
Simon held on to her. She was his miracle and he knew he had to make this up to her. "There were things that needed to be taken care of." He gave her a small smile. "I am sorry I had to leave, but I'm back and I won't leave again unless I absolutely have to. I promise."

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2010-06-23 05:45 pm UTC (link)
"I'm glad that you're back, Dad." She rested her head on his shoulder. "We'll have to go out soon. I owe you one Father's Day lunch."

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2010-06-23 06:24 pm UTC (link)
"I'm glad to be back too, honey. I wish I never had to leave in the first place." Simon smiled a little. "We'll go out today. I just need to take care of something first, then the rest of the day is yours."

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2010-06-23 06:28 pm UTC (link)
She smiled up at him. "Okay. Do what you have to do and then we'll head out."

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2010-06-23 06:31 pm UTC (link)
Simon smiled and kissed her forehead. "It's a plan. I won't be long." He hugged her again and then released her. He gave her another smile and left the room.

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