The Night Before Life Goes On
Anya was glad to get into a daily routine and be back in classes again. Summer classes had started on the 9th and Anya couldn’t have been happier. Classes and school were parts of The Plan and steps to running Stark Inc one day. A year ago it would have been the only thing she wanted in life, but now it was one of two things she wanted in life. The only other thing she wanted in life was graduating today.
While she was starting classes again, Steve was just finishing high school. As soon as her Friday classes were over she donned her suit and rocked off to New York for Steve’s graduation ceremonies. It was a mad dash into the condo and into a dress. Quick job on her hair and makeup and she climbed into the car with the family.
Anya had attended with her parents, James and Steve’s parents. She was so proud of him. She knew he could do it even when he thought he couldn’t do it. She believed in him even when he didn’t believe in himself. Impatiently she waited for his name to be called.
Tomorrow she'd give him his graduation gift. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he got it. Patience was not a strong suit of Anya's.
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