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nextgen_mod ([info]nextgen_mod) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Tessa read the paper and immediately called Misha. There had been no mention of him in the article, but if his mother had been hurt he could have been hurt as well. She had to make sure...for the mission of course.

Misha hadn't slept since he arrived in SHIELD. He was still in the same clothes, alternating between pacing and sitting, and harassing the medical staff for information.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. When he saw the display he scrunched his face. He forgot he'd made a date for the weekend.

He got up and moved toward the end of the hall to answer it. "Hey Tessa."

"Hi. Are you okay? I saw the paper and...well I was worried."

"Yeah, the news article. I'm fine. It was my mother and stepdad." He rubbed his hair and felt a moment of disgust when he realized he hadn't showered since he arrived either. "I was going to call you. I have to cancel our date this weekend."

"I'm glad you're okay. Don't worry about the weekend. We can see each other when everyone is okay."

"Thanks for calling. I appreciate the thought." Despite the situation, he smiled a little. "I am sorry. I was looking forward to it."

"You're welcome. I was looking forward to it too, but it can wait. This is more important. If there's anything I can do, food delivery or anything, please let me know."

"That's very kind of you. Thanks."

"You're welcome." A pause. "It's good to know you weren't hurt. Take care of yourself and let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

"I will. You take care and don't let them drive you crazy at the cafe."

"I won't. Promise. I'll talk to you later."

Misha disconnected the call feeling a little better. Somebody out there was thinking about him. It was a nice feeling.

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