Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Bubble, bubble toil and trouble @ 06:06 pm

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Aridis had done much thinking off and on over That Idiot. Not the Olympian. Argo is a friend.

The other oaf. The Celtic god who keeps trying to marry her. She dislikes being treated like a prize time and time again. She cannot let this stand anymore. She has better taste than the fool. She also has no plans to marry, ever. It does not seem like something that she should do given the things that will happen one day. Hopefully that day is far from now.

There is one person she can think of who would have the best advice for how to stop this without starting a war. Asleif. Clever Aslief who knows about things others just simply overlook.

Aridis decides to ask her. So she goes in search of Aslief. "Sister, do you have time to talk? There is a matter I wouldst discuss with thee."

Happy Birthday Buck! (Sept 2) @ 09:50 pm


Anya loved birthdays. Her own of course, but she loved others birthdays even more. Buck's just happened to fall on Labor Day this year which meant that Anya actually had the day off and didn't have to have Sunny work a miracle with her schedule. She was up before the sun, because sleep was something she didn't do well, and climbed on her bike. She drove the four hours down to New York and sent Buck a message to meet her outside Misha's warehouse.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay