Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Grocery Shopping (meme, Nick) @ 02:02 am


Dad had given her a quick ride back to Earth for a visit. And at her request, when she needed a Business Break from Denver, he dropped her off quite a ways away from home.
New Orleans grocery stores. So handy. One brown paper bag full of pralines, one filled with containers of pre-mixed spices. And just a quick trip to the liquor section. She's not going to buy anything from the liquor section. That would be illegal. But she's a paying customer of the store. And she's going to stand here with a notebook and a lot of staring as she sorts through the bottles of scotch and bourbon.
Jean-Louise sketches. She's checked the chemistry books enough to spot ethanol. But there's so much more to it than that.

She'd prefer the sword, but the pen's all they'll let her fight with sometimes. @ 10:30 pm


Giovanna Bennet thinks of herself as a soldier. Born to soldiers, named for a soldier, raised to serve her country. The thing was, for more than three years, that service took the form of administrative assistance as much often as security. Making baby steps. Trying to play by every blasted rule.

Immediately after the incident, she called home. Partly to convince Father to stay at home, but also for something else. Genoshan national security had some of the best technopaths. Who had some of the best facial recognition software, and access to some reasonably impressive databases of worldwide information.

When possible for everyone at the embassy, she asks them all into one of the larger rooms.

Happy Birthday Prince Dork! (open) @ 11:05 pm


Anya had been planning Misha's birthday present for some time. It had taken some time to get it set up, but she had managed to get it ready by his birthday. Well, Sunny did most of it. Anya did take Nick out to shop for a present for big brother.

She picked up Nick and the two of them drove out to Xavier's to pick up Prince Dork.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay