Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Just some not-so-normal people in a laundromat @ 08:11 pm


It was a common thing for Martin to do, teleport to a city that sounded mildly interesting and go exploring. Manny had been going with him for walks around Boston to get more used to being around people and crowds, and he tried from time to time to walk the less crowded streets himself sometimes, which was what he was up to now. Seattle had had a demon infestation apparently some time back, which meant it was a prime location for some exploring, maybe he'd even find some demons to hunt!

After walking around, hands in his pockets, on the mostly emptier streets during the day, Martin saw some crowds up ahead and frowned, slightly worried. He had no idea what the crowd, a rather small one honestly, was there for, it could've been a protest or a group going to a game of some sort, but it still made him uncomfortable. Rather than attracting attention by teleporting away in the middle of the street, Martin noticed someone exit a nearby door and he hurried in before the door could shut. 

Hands still in his pockets, he surveyed the place. It was annoyingly loud, the sounds of a bunch of washing machines going at once tended to be, but it was rather empty which was good. So Martin hopped onto one of the laundromats many machines and decided to wait for the crowd outside not too far away to pass by or disperse.

Workout (Open) @ 10:14 pm


Adrienne had, despite the lack of any real Thunderbolts action since their "test", still managed to keep relatively busy.   There were always clients with jobs, though she had, in fact, been turning the majority of them down or referring them to other, capable, individuals.  Perhaps her time as a hero was turning her soft. 

But she did still take the odd job, nothing that would lead back to her teammates.  Several of them had, in fact, been legitimate enough, in that companies liked having someone capable test their security systems (and it gave her a leg up if she ever needed to break into them on her own).  And, of course, there had been a few jobs she'd done without being hired to do, corrupt individuals or businesses who preyed upon others that could stand to lose something.  Most of that money went to better causes than herself.  Like ze Robin Hood, no?

And there was Millicent, of course, out there somewhere, with those people who had attacked them.  Who had warned her to run while she could.  As if she had ever been good at doing what she was told?  She had not told the others that she had known her attacker.  She had no desire to see her friend bring the wrath of the super-powered Gendarmerie upon herself.

Today, however, she was in the gym, going through some gymnastics routines.


Attack of the Evil Grandfathers: Salvo @ 10:58 pm


The Baxter Building's security was on high alert. Just as it should be. All the more cameras to watch the people line up and start beating against the glass. Pressed close as a riot. Pounding on the doors until their hands bruised, blistered, and bled..

Zeb didn't stand with them, of course. He was out of sight... but near enough that the pheremones wouldn't wear off easy. Not for a long, long time. He'd had this crowd primed.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay