Cape Citadel, Florida, home to a portion of the United States nuclear arsenal. Notable for being the first public target of the then-terrorist mutant Magneto and the first public appearance of the X-Men who battled him there. Not especially remarkable in and of itself, but quite notable in that the events there first brought the idea of mutants and the causes involved to the public attention. It was a day that changed everything.
In the decades since, the stock of mutants has risen and fallen, sometimes with a fair amount of public support, sometimes with even those who called themselves heroes a little afraid to show themselves in public. In the time since, Magneto had gone from a wanted and hated terrorist to a leader of men, with a nation of his own. The X-Men continued their fight for mutant rights and equality, trying to show the world that they to, could be heroes.
Today... today was going to be a day for the history books again.
It began with a flash of energy in the middle of the base, a teleportation device, and the appearance of seven women. One, monstrous like a giant frog. Another, taller than all the rest and built like a truck. A slender, pale woman in red and a similar looking woman with blue hair. Another, a blonde, staying at the fringes. Another, a beautiful red haired woman.
And last, in crimson and purple armor, cape trailing behind her, and dark helmet upon her head. She floated on the air on currents of magnetic force, looking at the world like she owned it all. In scant moments, they defeated the soldiers who came to challenge them, mutant powers making it all too easy.
One of the others, the frog-woman, pulled out a small, camera-like device and pointed it at her.
She raised a hand, and a magnetic force field sprang into existence around the base, bent just enough to allow her transmission through. It would soon be appearing on every television in the country.
"People of the United States, I am Magneta, daughter of Magneto. And for too long have you oppressed our people! Today, as my father once did, we mutants strike back to take what is ours! My X-Tremists and I have seized your nuclear arsenal. We demand the total surrender of your government, or else I shall unleash them upon you. Today is a call for all mutants to join us! Rise up! Rise up and join our cause! Cast down your human oppressors!
To the government of the United States... you have twenty-four hours to abdicate. You know what shall happen if my terms are not met."
The transmission ended there.