Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Visitations (Backdated) @ 08:53 pm


(set between this and this)

Her situation with her siblings reestablished, Asleif had other aspects of her life when she needed to touch upon.  In this particular case, this drew her to New York City, Manhattan specifically.  A strange city, so unlike Los Angeles, but similar in its own way.  Both had a great rabble of people living there, all flawed and damaged in their own ways.

And also, the so-called "World Famous Baxter Building," though it held not one candle to the glories of the Golden Realm.  But Asleif was in a patient mood today, and had allowed the clockwork receptionist to take her name and inform Vincent that she was here.   She had been told that popping in unannounced was quite rude, and while she cared little for social conventions...  Well, if she was mercurial, so much the better to confound those who sought to define her.


Growing Pains @ 10:27 pm


(Immediately following this.)

Mason Jeffries, just like anyone else in the world, has things he stresses about. Right now however, he's more stressed than most people would have seen him. He knows his parents worry enough, and some of the subject matter made him hesitant to try to discuss it with Nim first, so... big brother.

He arrives at Jordan's room only to find him apparently packing.

"...hey Jordie... you going somewhere... right  now?"

Seeking Wisdom @ 11:09 pm


It had taken days even on Tryggvi to cross the continent to Nornheim to the forest where the Norns lived. Skuld, Urd and Verdandi were three sisters who lived at the base of Yggdrasil near the Well of Urdr and draw water from it to pour over the roots of Yggdrasil.

Svalin dismounted Tryggvi when they drew closer and she led him the rest of the way on foot. Vigfrior remained at her side and sheathed.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay