Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

(no subject) @ 07:22 pm


Bobby was currently stretched out under a '55 Thunderbird when he heard a beeping coming from his wrist. "Give me a moment, darling," he said. He always talked to his girls as he worked on them. "This may be important."

He looked at the holographic display. Yes, this was definitely not good.

He rolled out from under the car and gave the side a loving pat. "Later, darling."

"Avengers Assemble!" he said over comms. "We have a situation."

Mets vs the Yankees (Open to Mac, Andrea, Misha and Buck) @ 10:14 pm


It was a baseball game Anya couldn't pass up going to. Her beloved Yankees were playing the Mets and she knew people who would be interested in going. She sent out texts earlier in the week to Misha, Andrea, Mac and Buck to see if they wanted to go. It would be good to get out and relax and not think of work or anything else except the baseball game.

They would have the luxury box to themselves and Anya made sure there was a caterer. There would be plenty of food and plenty to drink.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay