Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

The air is THIN up here.... @ 11:27 am


Everything had been checked and double-checked. Marlow had practiced the spell until she could see the runes in her mind in just the places she wanted them. It was going to be GREAT. She'd help the team by increasing her own size for limited periods so she wouldn't just be a puny human sorceress learning to fight. She'd be an /Asgardian/ sized sorceress and really show the bad guys who they had to watch out for in a fight.

Sitting on the grass in front of her bungalow, she closed her eyes and recited the words and waited.

She didn't feel anything. Not a thing. There should've been some sort of sensation when her body became bigger, but everything seemed fine. With a sigh, she mentally prepared herself to work on the spell some more and try again later.

When she opened her eyes, a sense of euphoria and wrongness filled her. She was looking down at a body that wasn't hers. The spell had worked, sort of, but... whose body was it?

Is being snow! (fluff, 14) @ 04:35 pm


In a climate controlled atmosphere such as Knowhere, weather was quite the impossibility. The temperature and atmosphere inside were designed as a compromise to a great number of alien species, which meant that no one was entirely comfortable inside, but that at least no one was in any danger from being inside either.

None of which explained why it was snowing on the Promenade Deck.

Red sneezed, which was followed by a fullbody shake. "...Am not having seen this before."

Family Time @ 10:34 pm


Svalin walked along her wife and son on their way back to the Avenger's Mansion after the incident with the dragon. Svalin carried dragon parts while Vernique pushed the stroller with Solver in it.

"Kael fought well," she said as they walked.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay