Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Lunch (open to Angelo) @ 12:58 am


Irina loved New York City and being a teleporter meant she could reach New York any time she wanted. Today she felt like lunch in the Village. Corey had also requested certain items that Irina knew she could find in the city. Two birds, one stone.

She ordered a coffee and drank that while she looked at the menu.

America (and apparently the Shi'ar Empire)'s Good Time Game! @ 10:50 pm


For future reference for all involved, it is never considered a good idea to play Scrabble with a literate, well-read prince.  Board games have been the destruction of many a relationship, though this round had not quite progressed that far.  However, Rachel was definitely beginning to feel like a backwater hick by comparison.

She looked at the tiles that Starbridge had put down on the Scrabble board and frowned.  "That is so not a word."

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay